Feds take phone from "digital soldier"

First I've heard that term, however I think a bunch of trumptards can be classified as that on here.


Some "awakening", just bullshitting a judge so he can get out.
texassapper's Avatar
Some first level Big Brother shit there... returned him to jail for watching unapproved opinions? Wow...

LOL, dipshits like op probably think this is totally cool.
First I've heard that term, however I think a bunch of trumptards can be classified as that on here.


Some "awakening", just bullshitting a judge so he can get out. Originally Posted by royamcr
Hahahaha..........You're trying to make sense out of nonsense. How stupid is that.
I guess he coulda stayed in jail if he couldn’t deal with the restrictions placed on his release. Why did he agree to it and then think he wouldn’t go back to jail. His lawyer shoulda made sure he was released without conditions.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
George Orwell, call your office. And some people here think this Hitlerian shit is OK.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2021, 03:15 PM
Do release restrictions include teh mandatory ingestion of indoctrination/DPST propaganda?
gotta kowtow to Comrade Xi and Communist marxist ideology to stay free?
Looks like the Commie DPSTs found anew way to set up their indoctrination /AOC re-education /concentration camps and OMAR smokestacks.

also - the Camps will be a great source of protein for the DPST Soylent Green new Deal universal 'food'!

Commie DPSTs do love their new 'woke'DOJ with two sets of standards - One for 'woke ' idiots - free pass to antifa adn OBLM terrorism

a second for Conservative republicans - automatic jail , no bail, and max sentences - including death for jaywalking.
These sites he visits just rots his brain even further. All he can think about it the election, it swims around in his brain 24/7. There are thousands like him, many on here, he was just stupid enough to do something and got caught.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2021, 04:00 PM
'r' - does love his Comrade Xi

unable to see past teh DPST Communist indoctrination.
winn dixie's Avatar
Secret Service needs to take joeys watch away!
Hahahaha..........You're trying to make sense out of nonsense. How stupid is that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Hey, he has a DOCTRATE in it!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
These sites he visits just rots his brain even further. All he can think about it the election, it swims around in his brain 24/7. There are thousands like him, many on here, he was just stupid enough to do something and got caught. Originally Posted by royamcr
So the government should jail people for what “swims around in their heads”. Literally the thought police.
LexusLover's Avatar
His lawyer shoulda made sure he was released without conditions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Do you know any lawyers that can "make sure" their clients get ...

... "released without condition"?

  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2021, 05:01 AM
Exactly what AOC and teh commie DPSTs want - ' Universal marxist thought control"
FBI becomes teh NKVD/.KGB
Homeland security is already demanding People turn in anyone suspected of 'deviant thought or behavior"

AOC's concentration camps are ready to be built - part of the 3.5 Trillion$ - with more to come.

Commie DPSTs revel in the idea of 're-educating' all their identified 'opponents' - until their own thought police come for 'Them"!
I will not speak for 'r'!
Commie DPST minions hae no clue as to the consequences of what their dearly beloved marxist revolution will factually 'Bring'!
LexusLover's Avatar
These sites he visits just rots his brain even further. All he can think about it the election, it swims around in his brain 24/7. There are thousands like him, many on here, he was just stupid enough to do something and got caught. Originally Posted by royamcr
Are you describing the BittenTards aka The Demented Lovers?

Example: "Global Warming" caused the flooding "up East"!
Do you know any lawyers that can "make sure" their clients get ...

... "released without condition"?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well. Actually good point. There are some conditions to all releases, 1) not committing additional crimes and 2) showing back up to court. But additional conditions are always part of the release negotiation.