Arverni's Avatar
I'm not a smoker ... but this smoking ban in NOLA pisses me the fuck off.

First ... it's WAY too "sweeping" - they've essentially banned smoking EVERYWHERE.

Second ... they included E-Cigarettes, not because they have evidence they're harmful but just because ... "we have concerns".

Third ... well, I would suppose that banning smoking in bars isn't that bad. I work in bars doing security - I never liked the smoke.

However, I'm not looking forward to having to "police" drunks who are not only drunk - but need a nicotine fix. I mean ... I see it now ... some drunk guy lights up - I have to go tell him ... "Sir, could you please put that out?" And since he's drunk - he decides to take out his disdain for the city council THAT PASSED THIS FUCKING LAW ... on me. I wonder how many fuckin' fights this will cause.

Fourth ... People come up to me when I'm on shift and hold up their drink and say ... "Can I take this outside?" And I always say ... "Brother this is NEW FUCKIN' ORLEANS - AND THIS IS A FREE CITY - NOT LIKE FUCKING CALIFORNIA - YES, TAKE YOUR DRINK - DRINK ON THE STREET. BE CAREFUL AND ENJOY!"

Yeah - you can still drink on the streets (for now) - but you can't smoke on a lot of 'em and I used to say that same thing whenever anyone asked if they could "light up" in the bar. Now they can't.

So we're no longer the "free city" ...

And I'll bet this is JUST THE START of a whole bunch of stupid assed laws coming out of the city.
I'm not a smoker (of anything) but feel your pain being from Denver
Does that include Casinos? ?
I've lived in cities where this has already happened, and business for several places actually increased....strange how it happens.

I had a conversation with a smoker the other day who was bitching about it, so I told her next time she has a cigarette in her car, leave the windows rolled up.....when she looked at me funny, I said Yea, it will get smokey and hard to breath, that is what its like for a non smoker when they are in that environment.....end of conversation.

I think you may actually see some good come from it, but just like anything, it may take time.

trekker's Avatar
It's an intolerable breach of property and personal rights. I propose a "Smoke In".
Does that include Casinos? ? Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Yes it includes casinos. It includes any public place.
As a person with asthma, I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS LAW!!! I hope it comes to Baton Rouge soon. Nothing is worse than being somewhere trying to eat or just enjoy some fresh air and having to smell that crap or having it blow in your face. You can always destroy your health in the privacy of your own home where it won't affect others.
, I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS LAW!!! I hope it comes to Baton Rouge soon. Nothing is worse than being somewhere trying to eat or just enjoy some fresh air and having to smell that crap or having it blow in your face. You can always destroy your health in the privacy of your own home where it won't affect others. Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
As a person with asthma, I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS LAW!!! I hope it comes to Baton Rouge soon. Nothing is worse than being somewhere trying to eat or just enjoy some fresh air and having to smell that crap or having it blow in your face. You can always destroy your health in the privacy of your own home where it won't affect others. Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
Smoking is already banned in restaurants statewide.
I don't smoke, and when I go to the casinos, I find it very difficult to sit next to the person who chain smokes 2 packs of cigg's while I am on a hot machine. I usually wear a scarf around my neck to cover up my face so I don't die of respritory failure...

So the non smoking thing works for me, I am just not sure how it will fly with others.

Also CVS pharmacy has stopped selling cigarettes in their stores to offer better health to it's customers.

The only thing i hate more than government .....

..... is smokers.

Maybe it's a tie as long as they don't smoke near me. the sinner....hate the sin.

But consider yourself lucky. One city (in the north IIRC) just extended their ban on playing in the street to daylight hours. It was 9 pm to 9 am.

Now, even a grown man can't play round ball, stick ball, or Frisbee in the street without a city permit. I'm not sure about biking and roller blading, .... but I'd check first.

Edit: maybe it's this one...applying only to kids. But i heard this only last week.
gimme_that's Avatar
E_cig studys says that the chemical has been known to cause health issues. Google it and you will find facts.

Kudos to this new law.
E_cig studys says that the chemical has been known to cause health issues. Google it and you will find facts.

Kudos to this new law. Originally Posted by gimme_that
They banned it because it looks to much like a regular cigarette. The ban is about second hand smoke.
DiscoStick's Avatar
I think it's great. Currently, there isn't anyplace to dance that you don't have to put up with the smoke and what it does to your clothes.
I think it's great. Currently, there isn't anyplace to dance that you don't have to put up with the smoke and what it does to your clothes. Originally Posted by DiscoStick
Yes there are.