DHS Orders Border Patrol to Run Away from

Rock-Throwing Illegal Aliens


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How can anyone defend this? This is bizarre.
How can anyone defend this? This is bizarre. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Must not be HIGH on the priority list... IDK...

Fucking Bullshit! what it is...

We draw imaginary lines in the sand at the border too, when they cross that line throwing rocks we all know what Obama is going to do and order, RUN AND HIDE
You right wingers won't need all those guns now, just get a hand full of stones...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2014, 09:57 AM
move to Russia and throw rocks at Boris ... he wont run, and you wont live to tell about it
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
EVA advocated plywood tanks and wooden rifles a few years back.
EVA advocated plywood tanks and wooden rifles a few years back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You really are that dumb I didn't think you would eve admit it. That was IB Hankering with those images. Get professional help soon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The usual Obamatons once again come out in support of a bizarre and foolish Obama policy. Have you no shame? No decency? You seriously think it is the duty of law enforcement officers to run away from criminals? Do you have ANY idea how stupid that is?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
I don't advocate them running away from the stone hurlers. But I don't advocate the border patrol being there at all. This is further evidence they're a waste of tax dollars. They and their butt ugly fence.
I don't advocate them running away from the stone hurlers. But I don't advocate the border patrol being there at all. This is further evidence they're a waste of tax dollars. They and their butt ugly fence. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Haha, the main charge of Odumbshit is to protect our country and borders, in this case from a bunch of brutal savages working for gangs and the cartels that cross the border, rape and kidnap our children, enslave them to forced prostitution and pushing drugs, and of course all the killings over turf and home invasions.

But you have evidence that it is a waste of money?

I would love to hear your defense of the mexican gangs and cartels and why we should not try to prevent these vile creatures from crossing our borders and murdering and raping our citizens.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
This is just another example of what happens when lawyers determine policy. They are out of touch with real life, and what do we do but keep electing lawyers.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Haha, the main charge of Odumbshit is to protect our country and borders, in this case from a bunch of brutal savages working for gangs and the cartels that cross the border, rape and kidnap our children, enslave them to forced prostitution and pushing drugs, and of course all the killings over turf and home invasions.

But you have evidence that it is a waste of money?

I would love to hear your defense of the mexican gangs and cartels and why we should not try to prevent these vile creatures from crossing our borders and murdering and raping our citizens. Originally Posted by nwarounder
An opinion requires evidence and leads to defending rapists and murderers? Fuck that, why don't you prove your little fence and billions of dollars in armed Border Patrol Giards that run from rocks is alleviating the problem.

A fence creates an attractive nuisance. It's human nature; if you have an idle mind with thousands of miles to roam in one direction and a fence in the other direction, a lot of times that mind is going to want to know what's on the other side of the fence.

Put a bunch of patriotism-fed testosterone fueled jarheads on the other side of that fence, wearing more money in gear than our idle mind has ever seen, yelling insults, and now you have a curious, angry, idle mind. A mind I am not defending, but examining, trying to understand.

Add in the fact that these jarheads want to go home and take the edge off with substances these 'cartels' are known to provide, and the plot thickens. Maybe it isn't the jarhead himself that desires the substance, maybe it isn't his wife or his kids. But it is some of his friends, co-workers, family.

No, I'm not going to defend morder and rape. But I'd prefer to spend the money fighting actual murder and rape than putting up a fence and staffing it with human targets for rocks.

But the fence and the targets are easier money. They film well, making evidence for large defense contracts, so national security advisors and their buddies can live high on the hog. They buy votes too.
The usual Obamatons once again come out in support of a bizarre and foolish Obama policy. Have you no shame? No decency? You seriously think it is the duty of law enforcement officers to run away from criminals? Do you have ANY idea how stupid that is?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then you are saying the patrolmen should shoot the kids with rocks.
An opinion requires evidence and leads to defending rapists and murderers? Fuck that, why don't you prove your little fence and billions of dollars in armed Border Patrol Giards that run from rocks is alleviating the problem. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
News flash: We have 2000 miles of border and 5-600 miles of fence. I'm not under the illusion that non-continuous chain-link fences deter any criminal from simply walking around them. Concrete and lead will alleviate the problem.

A fence creates an attractive nuisance. It's human nature; if you have an idle mind with thousands of miles to roam in one direction and a fence in the other direction, a lot of times that mind is going to want to know what's on the other side of the fence. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Lol, What do you mean "it attracts curiosity"? There is not a Mexican alive living in that cesspool of a country that does not know how much greater our country is in comparison. They already know why they want and do flee their own country.

Put a bunch of patriotism-fed testosterone fueled jarheads on the other side of that fence, wearing more money in gear than our idle mind has ever seen, yelling insults, and now you have a curious, angry, idle mind. A mind I am not defending, but examining, trying to understand.

Add in the fact that these jarheads want to go home and take the edge off with substances these 'cartels' are known to provide, and the plot thickens. Maybe it isn't the jarhead himself that desires the substance, maybe it isn't his wife or his kids. But it is some of his friends, co-workers, family. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
The soldier is only doing what he has been trained to do, following the presidents' and his leaders orders, and there would be no need for yelling if they had the orders to defend our country. A soldier is trained to locate a target, determine if it is friendly or a hostile, and eliminate if it is a hostile. There is not much thought required to understand that.
Another news flash: Made in America is alive, well, and spreading like wildfire these days. Don't need Mexicans to take the edge off anymore, and it is shit anyway compared to ours.

No, I'm not going to defend morder and rape. But I'd prefer to spend the money fighting actual murder and rape than putting up a fence and staffing it with human targets for rocks.

But the fence and the targets are easier money. They film well, making evidence for large defense contracts, so national security advisors and their buddies can live high on the hog. They buy votes too. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I'm not sure how one could insinuate that the atrocities these mexican gangs and cartels commit, are not actual murders and rape? Have you read any news in the past 10 years? Google "cartels chopping heads off" or "MS-13 gang killings", it will assure that you know they are actual murders. And again, you wouldn't have to worry about a soldier, sitting on top of a 30ft concrete fence armed with a .50 caliber, being the target of a rock.

I see a trend, you definitely need to read some current news. For the last ten or so years the defense contractors and their buddies have been living high on the hog from killing muslims, not building fences.
Most people don't realize that it was the military and it's core of engineers that built much of the infrastructure of this country. They designed and built concrete dams 100 feet high, I'm sure they could design and build a 20-30ft, manned, concrete fence to keep out all but the criminal masterminds or the occasional exception. We don't need defense contractors.