Bella Bee

...says she's had several NCNS from clients here, and that she had been warned that the local boys were famous for this. Gotta tell you guys, you missed out on meeting a fabulous young lady.
So, where is your review on the lady? More information is always welcome.

The Colonel
Still waiting....................... .............................. .............................. ........
I actually sent her a PM to come on down to the RGV! She never responded!
I know it's a bit of a faux pas, but I don't do reviews. Im not a particularly prolific player, so I don't have that much to offer the community. That having been said, if your tastes run to quality not quantity, then let me reiterate: what a fantastic young lady. I left feeling like I was 17 again and had just got away with something that would stick in my memory for awhile. She reminds me of a girlfriend I had back in the day, and bears a striking resemblance to the female star of a current popular sitcom. I do answer PMs from established members.
  • Toose
  • 04-11-2012, 08:47 PM
I'll vouch for Mr. Backcountry's comments. I saw her last weekend and she is a treat. I've been too busy for a review but locals can PM me with questions.
That is all well and good, but reviews tell us all more than posts such as this. She is more than welcome to get an account on here so that she can post ads and enjoy the benefits of this board.

This one is done.

The Colonel