social justice paintings

here are the official portraits of the disgraced barack and michelle

michelle's was painted by a self-styled social justice painter

I wonder if she did the cops as pigs painting that that congressman hung in the capitol? maybe not I dunno but...

looks like she (the painter) took a photograph, blew it up and slapped on paint until the features were flat and indistinguishable, painting the background was a breeze and viola!

but she did get those awesome michelle arms in if not her actual face

the disgraced barack is identifiable but that was by another painter however the background does look a little suspicious

maybe she is an affirmative action social justice painter

Wikipedia says her critics suggest her stylistic choices hide a limited understanding of color, with regard to painting technique, as opposed to her thematic "strong point" of race.

a veritable maya angelou of painters

gotta fawn to not be racist but the emperor has no clothes

btw as they say in todays leftist world, isn't michelle's long flowing hair cultural appropriation?

I have no idea who the woman on the right is. The man on the left looks familiar.
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  • 02-12-2018, 12:31 PM
I B Hankering's Avatar
here are the official portraits of the disgraced barack and michelle

michelle's was painted by a self-styled social justice painter

I wonder if she did the cops as pigs painting that that congressman hung in the capitol? maybe not I dunno but...

looks like she (the painter) took a photograph, blew it up and slapped on paint until the features were flat and indistinguishable, painting the background was a breeze and viola!

but she did get those awesome michelle arms in if not her actual face

the disgraced barack is identifiable but that was by another painter however the background does look a little suspicious

maybe she is an affirmative action social justice painter

Wikipedia says her critics suggest her stylistic choices hide a limited understanding of color, with regard to painting technique, as opposed to her thematic "strong point" of race.

a veritable maya angelou of painters

gotta fawn to not be racist but the emperor has no clothes

btw as they say in todays leftist world, isn't michelle's long flowing hair cultural appropriation?

Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Someone on Facebook noted that "... after nine years, Odumbo was finally able to put Bush behind him."
The painter that did Obama's portrait also painted this:

The painter that did Obama's portrait also painted this:

Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
lets see what does that represent?

without researching it i'll take a few guesses

a glorified and exalted black princess exuding black presence and possessing or making or instilling:

racial hatred ?

a call to arms?

some message to black men not to lust after white women?

that beauty isn't or shouldn't be euro-centric?

or if you look closely at the white girl, you may detect a slight puffy upper lip, and maybe the painting represents righteous decapitation for an attempt at lip plumping seen as cultural appropriation never mind the straight hair on the princess

in any case, the obama's are oh so political and radical
The painter that did Obama's portrait also painted this:

Originally Posted by SeekingFun69

One huge difference separates the two exhibits: While the subjects of Warhol’s world were as white as an avalanche, Wiley’s subjects represents a wide spectrum of ethnicities. He’s painted subjects from all over the world, giving these classical court paintings skin tones and striking features that they’ve never had before. There’s only one white subject in the exhibition: The severed head held aloft in “Judith Beheading Holofernes”.

That's some tacky wallpaper and That White Girl Is Hardly Bleeding...

I B Hankering's Avatar
The painter that did Obama's portrait also painted this:

Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Just imagine the hysterical outrage from the left if a white president had dared to select a white artist who had painted a picture of a white woman holding the decapitated head of a black woman ... but the worshipful lame-stream media is all giddy over this portrait and no doubt have a warm, tingly "thrill running up their legs"; hence, they are silent on the overt racism depicted: crickets.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
there is a lot of racial hate isn't there?
bamscram's Avatar
there is a lot of racial hate isn't there? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yep, I hear more conversations where people quit watching sports because it is dominated by blacks.
Have y'all heard that the new budget deal does away with The Death panel and funding for PBS?

Anyway this guy Kehinde Wiley seems like he is a great artist. Kind of like a Black "Warhol" swishy walker...

Yep, I hear more conversations where people quit watching sports because it is dominated by cry baby SJW DIN DU NUFFIN blacks and lack of respect for our flag Originally Posted by bamscram

See, eehhhhhhbuhhhrrrr. You taught me sumpin...

Yep, I hear more conversations where people quit watching sports because it is dominated by blacks. Originally Posted by bamscram
don't think so,

you seem to have a fatal flaw there, as is common as most liberals always misstate the facts so that their claims seem real

for the vast majority of people its the lack of respect for the flag and country not anyone's color

but where do you HEAR those conversations, at thanksgiving dinner?
The painter that did Obama's portrait also painted this:

Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
read about interpretations of this work

North Carolina Museum of Art foundation reads. “Wiley translates this image of a courageous, powerful woman into a contemporary version that resonates with fury and righteousness.”

the adjective "courageous" is true of the original Judith but the contemporary version might well read "murderous"