New climate change research indicates rate of sea level increase is accelerating

Munchmasterman's Avatar
"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."
Ducbutter's Avatar
Or perhaps not.

"In another newly published paper by Frederiske et al. 2018 just this year, oceanographers estimate that global sea levels rose at a rate of only 1.42 mm per year between 1958 and 2014. That figure closely coincides with the results of Dr. Simon Holgate from 2007. According to the Holgate study: “The rate of sea level change was found to be larger in the early part of last century (2.03 ± 0.35 mm/yr 1904–1953), in comparison with the latter part (1.45 ± 0.34 mm/yr 1954–2003).”

The Holgate result was confirmed by another 2008 paper authored by Jevrejeva et al, which found the fastest sea level rise during the past 300 years was observed between 1920 – 1950 with maximum of 2.5 mm/yr.

In other words: global sea level rise has decelerated since the 1950s.

At less than 2 mm annually, sea level is rising at only one sixth of the 12 mm per year rate projected by the PIK in 2013."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The team observed a total rise in the ocean of 7 centimeters (2.8 inches) in 25 years of data, which aligns with the generally accepted current rate of sea level rise of about 3 millimeters (0.1 inches) per year.

But that rate is not constant.
NoTell's Avatar
I call BULLSHIT!!!

The earth has been here for several thousand years and survived without humans and will again.

Global warming!!! BULLSHIT
"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you look at the source data? You all are idiots.
Yea earth has been around for several thousand years without humans LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

"The team observed a total rise in the size of MunchDrunk's penis of 7 centimeters (2.8 inches) in 25 years of data"

so ... this means that if MunckyDrunk stood in the ocean for 25 years, the tide finally reaches the tip???

"The team observed a total rise in the size of MunchDrunk's penis of 7 centimeters (2.8 inches) in 25 years of data"

so ... this means that if MunckyDrunk stood in the ocean for 25 years, the tide finally reaches the tip???

BAHAAHJAAAAAAAAAAAa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Since that information came from a Main Stream Media source and not from an approved Scientific Journal where real scientific research and observations are recorded and outlined there is no way a layman such as yourself could ever possibly know if the information presented by a news anchor person is authentic. So take that info with a huge grain of salt, especially coming from a News Source like CNN.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Or perhaps not.

"In another newly published paper by Frederiske et al. 2018 just this year, oceanographers estimate that global sea levels rose at a rate of only 1.42 mm per year between 1958 and 2014. That figure closely coincides with the results of Dr. Simon Holgate from 2007. According to the Holgate study: “The rate of sea level change was found to be larger in the early part of last century (2.03 ± 0.35 mm/yr 1904–1953), in comparison with the latter part (1.45 ± 0.34 mm/yr 1954–2003).”

The Holgate result was confirmed by another 2008 paper authored by Jevrejeva et al, which found the fastest sea level rise during the past 300 years was observed between 1920 – 1950 with maximum of 2.5 mm/yr.A 2008 paper doesn't cover the last 10 years.

In other words: global sea level rise has decelerated since the 1950s.

At less than 2 mm annually, sea level is rising at only one sixth of the 12 mm per year rate projected by the PIK in 2013." Originally Posted by Ducbutter
One of the papers referenced by your link (links inside the link you added that supposedly support the conclusion).

A link in the report you gave a link for said,

"The latest findings glaringly contradict alarmist claims of accelerating sea level rise. For example the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) here wrote sea levels would “likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century”, due to global warming."
Following the link in this paragraph takes you to a article that contradicts the contradiction of accelerating rates.

Is sea level rising?
Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate.

A link found in Comparison of satellite altimetry against a high-quality network of tide gauges suggests that sea-surface heights from the TOPEX altimeter may be biased by ±5 mm, in an approximate piecewise linear, or U-shaped, drift. This has been previously reported in at least two other studies. The bias is probably caused by use of an internal calibration-mode range correction, included in the TOPEX “net instrument” correction, which is suspect owing to changes in the altimeter's point target response. Removal of this correction appears to mitigate most of the drift problem. In addition, a new time series based on retracking the TOPEX waveforms, again without the calibration-mode correction, also reduces the drift aside for a clear problem during the first 2 years. With revision, the TOPEX measurements, combined with successor Jason altimeter measurements, show global mean sea level rising fairly steadily throughout most of 24 year time period, with rates around 3 mm/yr, although higher over the last few years.

The main PIK report starts out,

"Expert assessment: Sea-level rise could exceed one meter in this century
11/22/2013 - Sea-level rise in this century is likely to be 70-120 centimeters by 2100 if greenhouse-gas emissions are not mitigated, a broad assessment of the most active scientific publishers on that topic has revealed."

100 centimeters is a meter. The reports share a common level of @100 cm by 2100. And a big reduction in emissions won't significantly change 2100 levels. But they can have a big impact on 2200

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One of the papers referenced by your link (links inside the link you added that supposedly support the conclusion).

A link in the report you gave a link for said,

"The latest findings glaringly contradict alarmist claims of accelerating sea level rise. For example the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) here wrote sea levels would “likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century”, due to global warming."
Following the link in this paragraph takes you to a article that contradicts the contradiction of accelerating rates.

Is sea level rising?
Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate.

A link found in Comparison of satellite altimetry against a high-quality network of tide gauges suggests that sea-surface heights from the TOPEX altimeter may be biased by ±5 mm, in an approximate piecewise linear, or U-shaped, drift. This has been previously reported in at least two other studies. The bias is probably caused by use of an internal calibration-mode range correction, included in the TOPEX “net instrument” correction, which is suspect owing to changes in the altimeter's point target response. Removal of this correction appears to mitigate most of the drift problem. In addition, a new time series based on retracking the TOPEX waveforms, again without the calibration-mode correction, also reduces the drift aside for a clear problem during the first 2 years. With revision, the TOPEX measurements, combined with successor Jason altimeter measurements, show global mean sea level rising fairly steadily throughout most of 24 year time period, with rates around 3 mm/yr, although higher over the last few years.

The main PIK report starts out,

"Expert assessment: Sea-level rise could exceed one meter in this century
11/22/2013 - Sea-level rise in this century is likely to be 70-120 centimeters by 2100 if greenhouse-gas emissions are not mitigated, a broad assessment of the most active scientific publishers on that topic has revealed."

100 centimeters is a meter. The reports share a common level of @100 cm by 2100. And a big reduction in emissions won't significantly change 2100 levels. But they can have a big impact on 2200

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman


is the tip of your weenie wet yet??

call me in 50 years when yer wiener reaches 6 inches

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Since that information came from a Main Stream Media source and not from an approved Scientific Journal where real scientific research and observations are recorded and outlined there is no way a layman such as yourself could ever possibly know if the information presented by a news anchor person is authentic. So take that info with a huge grain of salt, especially coming from a News Source like CNN.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Didn't read my link, did
you? At the beginning, you would have seen,

"Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers, led by University of Colorado-Boulder professor of aerospace engineering sciences Steve Nerem, used satellite data dating to 1993 to observe the levels of the world's oceans."

Why a professor of aerospace engineering sciences and not an environmental scientist? Because he and his buds know how to use the satellites the best. Not a layman either. I work in the physical sciences, If they fake the numbers there's no way I would know that unless they were extremes.

As far as everyday use goes. I know comets aren't fiery and certainly not shooting stars. Since they are basically "snowballs" (ice, frozen gasses), they wouldn't glow when they hit the atmosphere, no sound either.

Rather than assuming CNN is wrong, look it up.

Why would you listen to a news anchor? A half-hour news show gives you half of a front page of a newspaper worth of info. Which I can read in less than 5 minutes.
As far as being authentic, if CNN lies, ABC, CBS, etc. would be all over them like stink on shit,
Munchmasterman's Avatar
"The team observed a total rise in the size of MunchDrunk's penis of 7 centimeters (2.8 inches) in 25 years of data"

so ... this means that if MunckyDrunk stood in the ocean for 25 years, the tide finally reaches the tip???

BAHAAHJAAAAAAAAAAAa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you know the dimentions of my dick?
That is the kind of information you like to wrap your lips around.


is the tip of your weenie wet yet??

call me in 50 years when yer wiener reaches 6 inches

BAHAAAHHAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you won't suck my dick until it's 6 inches? That's more than I want to know about you. I mean I knew you suck dick but the size requirements are TMI.

You said blah etc, at the beginning. Why go on after that?
After your signature donkey bray that is?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes as a matter of fact.
You obviously didn't. So fuck off.
Did you look at the source data? You all are idiots. Originally Posted by kehaar
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Call someone who gives a shit while you're at it.

It's not the earth that won't survive. It could be us that won't survive.
I call BULLSHIT!!!

The earth has been here for several thousand years and survived without humans and will again.

Global warming!!! BULLSHIT
The earth has been here for several thousand years....
And then some. LOL