Nixon Closed the Border to Sow Chaos

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

apparently Trump is following some of Nixon's playbook.

Nixon shut down the mexican border in 1969.

unlike trump, Nixon did this very early in his 1st term.

I think he will do this in the next 6 months to 1 year. More likely, I think he will do it next year as a campaign tactic.

He has telegraphed what he intends to do early on by doing a feint by threatening to do it and backing off and follows thru it months later.
  • Tiny
  • 04-07-2019, 09:26 PM
Dilbert, What I'm getting from your links is that Trump is like Napoleon, not Hitler. He was pursuing a building deal in Russia worth several hundred million dollars during the campaign. And if he shuts the border and things go like they did for Nixon it's going to be a royal fuck up.

This is not resounding praise. Are you losing some of your enthusiasm for him?

Do you think he'd really close the border or this is a bluff to get more cooperation from Mexico on border security?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oh shoot... you moved your comment to this thread. lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dilbert, What I'm getting from your links is that Trump is like Napoleon, not Hitler. He was pursuing a building deal in Russia worth several hundred million dollars during the campaign. And if he shuts the border and things go like they did for Nixon it's going to be a royal fuck up.

This is not resounding praise. Are you losing some of your enthusiasm for him?

Do you think he'd really close the border or this is a bluff to get more cooperation from Mexico on border security? Originally Posted by Tiny

no. I'm not going sour on him. I totally get him most of the time.

I just find the comments about him are interesting. particularly, the reactions from the liberal twits who gasped at the professor's comments are notable.

Napoleonist does seem to fit him almost like a glove. But I think he's a mix of Napoleon & Andrew Jackson. He takes elements of strategy from these 2 historical persons.

Trump is unique in what he does.
  • Tiny
  • 04-07-2019, 09:38 PM
oh shoot... you moved your comment to this thread. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sorry about that, I ended with the question about the border so thought this was the most relevant of your threads. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I agree, "Napoleonist" does make sense.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The left, and some of the right, don't seem to understand the poker game going on. Trump says he's going to close a border or enact he bluffing or does he have the cards? The media is always trying out his hand but the opponent has to call or fold. So far they tend to fold and start giving up things.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The left, and some of the right, don't seem to understand the poker game going on. Trump says he's going to close a border or enact he bluffing or does he have the cards? The media is always trying out his hand but the opponent has to call or fold. So far they tend to fold and start giving up things. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trump has a gaming strategy, only he knows where hes going with it. we're just along for ride.... and its wild ride so far.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump has a gaming strategy, only he knows where hes going with it. we're just along for ride.... and its wild ride so far. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He's been developing properties in hostile environments for "long time"!

My guess as a successful commercial developer he's done one task up front on everyone of them .... #1: market study. And I would also suspect that his 2nd most important task was (as is) to identify the "players" as to their potential to resist and/or their interests in having or not having the intended project.

I guess it's rather simple:

If anyone believes he has not been successful, then why do you want to see his tax returns.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump threatens to close the border.
Results n a caravan wanting to get in before this happens.
He is able to whine for more wall money.
Trump threatens to close the border.
Results n a caravan wanting to get in before this happens.
He is able to whine for more wall money. Originally Posted by bamscram
Well as some have said

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanuel
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump threatens to close the border.
Results n a caravan wanting to get in before this happens. Originally Posted by bamscram
Actually, it's just the reverse. But don't let the facts hinder you!

2020 is coming up fast.
Redhot1960's Avatar
When it comes to finding the truth motherjones is the last place to look!

President Trump Announces 750 Additional Agents Deployed to Ports of Entry…

Posted on April 6, 2019 by sundance

So, Democrats and The Big Club want to play Lawfare with the border crisis? Well, this is not an ordinary President. In a move that is straight out of the Alinsky ‘make them play by their own rules‘ playbook, President Trump enforces the rules.

Amid a crisis of growing consequence, President Trump announces deployment of additional 750 Border Agents to U.S-Mexico specific ports of entry:

What President Trump is doing here is a process colloquially called extreme compliance. It is a strategy usually deployed by left-wing activists. There was an example a few years ago of a group of drivers driving the speed limit, not an single MPH faster, on a six lane highway. Every car went the speed limit and only the speed limit; not a single car broke the law, but traffic backed up for miles.

Enforcing rules/laws, and not breaking them, creates consequences.
LexusLover's Avatar
The changing of the guard at Homeland Security will assist the log jam. Jam it on the other side while the firehose gets turned on over here. Six to seven decades ago local LE along the Texas border would take those crossing The River back across and drop them off. Fridays after "pay day" was busy.
With Bams logical the caravans are just waiting to get through and the boarder closing threat just makes more want to wait to get through...GOTCHA
LexusLover's Avatar
With Bams logical ..... Originally Posted by bb1961
.. therein lies the flaw ... using Bams and logical in same sentence.

Emotional reactions make people do and say wrong things.