Lawyer Up.....Do The Perp Walk. Karma’s Coming.

And the beat goes on, except to the stroke of a different drummer.

That Bitch Hillary. It’s all her fault. She was NOT supposed to loose.
bambino's Avatar
Looks like it’s finally going to happen. It will be fun to watch.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
comey is claiming the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulos's comments.

sure whatever you say comey.
the deep state is scurrying

the news media is complicit

the symbiotic relationship of the deep state, the dim party and the news media needs full exposure

sunlight and a magnifying glass and burn their asses for being asses

the symbiotic relationship of the deep state, the dim party and the news media needs full exposure
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
For many years the MSM has publicized Dim talking points from Dim "news" hubs and tried to pass it off as "news" and "true."

It reached it peak when many of the major networks had relatives in high positions at the Obama White House in "news positions." Then, WH political positions were rarely criticized and Obama major mistakes where glossed over.

Now, many of the WH press corp are borderline deranged and ask invalid, pointless, "gotcha" questions that seem to be asked to just exasperate the press secretary.