Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And so it has begun. I knew it would begin fracturing.

Trump is trying to shift responsibility for the alleged conspiracy to bribe Ukraine onto his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor has said.

Trump told disgraced conservative radio host Bill O'Reillyon Tuesday that "I didn't direct" Giuliani to dig up dirt on his political rivals in Ukraine".

Rudy will be facing conspiracy against the United States charges if this is true. Yall remember what happened to Trump's last personal attorney Michael Cohen?

He's in prison for working on Trump's behalf. However the difference is Rudy says he has an insurance policy in case Trump tries to sell him out like he did Cohen.

This is a mess but we all knew that it would come to this. These guys are all criminals and eventually criminal enterprises come to an end. We are at the beginning of these two clowns turning on each other. This is fucking awesome none of us Progressives could have asked for things to play out any better than they are expiring.

We absolutely love this.

Go Rudy

And so it has begun. I knew it would begin fracturing.

Trump is trying to shift responsibility for the alleged conspiracy to bribe Ukraine onto his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor has said.

Trump told disgraced conservative radio host Bill O'Reillyon Tuesday that "I didn't direct" Giuliani to dig up dirt on his political rivals in Ukraine".

Rudy will be facing conspiracy against the United States charges if this is true. Yall remember what happened to Trump's last personal attorney Michael Cohen?

He's in prison for working on Trump's behalf. However the difference is Rudy says he has an insurance policy in case Trump tries to sell him out like he did Cohen.

This is a mess but we all knew that it would come to this. These guys are all criminals and eventually criminal enterprises come to an end. We are at the beginning of these two clowns turning on each other. This is fucking awesome none of us Progressives could have asked for things to play out any better than they are expiring.

We absolutely love this.

Go Rudy

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hey lookey there. Another daily gotcha that will "expire" in a few days just like the rest have.

Poor progressives reaching out daily in their dreams.

Fun to watch though
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The question I have for you confused as fuck Trump physcophants is whose side will you take? Rudy or Donald?

Is Rudy part of the deep state too?

Trump's loser fanatics are totally fucked and confused. Trump has you idiots on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride. and we love every minute of you folks being discombobulated.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Here's something I've known for a few decades:
A good lawyer is not a politician. There's way more money in being a lawyer (if good).

Omg, someone shoot me, this is way to close to SC's hypocrisy.
The question I have for you confused as fuck Trump physcophants is whose side will you take? Rudy or Donald?

Is Rudy part of the deep state too?

Trump's loser fanatics are totally fucked and confused. Trump has you idiots on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride. and we love every minute of you folks being discombobulated.

Hahahahahahaha Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Very little emotional roller coaster here. I have absolutely no doubt that Trump will still be sitting in the White House after(and it's looking like a possible if) the articles of Impeachment are voted on and sent to the Senate.

The fucked and confused certainly appear to the Shiffcophants that still believe there is really a there there.

But keep up the daily gotcha's. They gotta make you feel better, but I can't understand the attraction to them knowing they are going to fail you yet again.
Another Sissy Chapel bombshell1!!!!

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Very little emotional roller coaster here. I have absolutely no doubt that Trump will still be sitting in the White House after(and it's looking like a possible if) the articles of Impeachment are voted on and sent to the Senate.

The fucked and confused certainly appear to the Shiffcophants that still believe there is really a there there.

But keep up the daily gotcha's. They gotta make you feel better, but I can't understand the attraction to them knowing they are going to fail you yet again. Originally Posted by eccielover
^ ah Yoda oh father...the delusion is strong with this one.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This has to hurt you guys. I guess the Romans didnt see their fall either.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DUD , Retreat back into the LSM Fantasy land ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
Holy smokes! Trump vs Giuliani in a no holds barred hosebag match. Just in time for the holidays!

He doesn’t know what Rudy was up to? But somehow Rudy was named as Trump’s proxy by every witness? Give your balls a tug!

Who’s next, his own children?
HoeHummer's Avatar
DUD , Retreat back into the LSM Fantasy land ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Did you hear Trumps interview where he denied knowing what Rudy was doing in Ukraine? That Rudy had other clients that weren’t him?

Only a lamebrain can look at that and laugh it off.

We’ve already had Thanksgiving, but wish you happy family debating, titfuckers...
Jaxson66's Avatar
Very little emotional roller coaster here. I have absolutely no doubt that Trump will still be sitting in the White House after(and it's looking like a possible if) the articles of Impeachment are voted on and sent to the Senate.

The fucked and confused certainly appear to the Shiffcophants that still believe there is really a there there.

But keep up the daily gotcha's. They gotta make you feel better, but I can't understand the attraction to them knowing they are going to fail you yet again. Originally Posted by eccielover
Failure? This isn’t the Horowitz report. Now the cult is reduced to the Durham report to send everyone in the Obama administration to jail and that report will go down in flames also. Then what?
  • oeb11
  • 11-27-2019, 08:38 AM
Usual DPST "fake news" BS.

DPSTs are desperate to manufacture some excuse to forward articles of Impeachment.

TDS and Trump hatred are the cornerstone of DPST politics.

They cheerfully attempt to destroy the economy to further political aims at socialism for America- and total destruction of the American economy!
Addition - ' New DPST law- hair rollers - pink - for all males to combat "Genderism".
And place your balls in the DPST offering plate as well.

And so it has begun. I knew it would begin fracturing.

Trump is trying to shift responsibility for the alleged conspiracy to bribe Ukraine onto his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor has said.

Trump told disgraced conservative radio host Bill O'Reillyon Tuesday that "I didn't direct" Giuliani to dig up dirt on his political rivals in Ukraine".

Rudy will be facing conspiracy against the United States charges if this is true. Yall remember what happened to Trump's last personal attorney Michael Cohen?

He's in prison for working on Trump's behalf. However the difference is Rudy says he has an insurance policy in case Trump tries to sell him out like he did Cohen.

This is a mess but we all knew that it would come to this. These guys are all criminals and eventually criminal enterprises come to an end. We are at the beginning of these two clowns turning on each other. This is fucking awesome none of us Progressives could have asked for things to play out any better than they are expiring.

We absolutely love this.

Go Rudy

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's about as accurate as Schiff's stupid parody of the phone call transcript, lol.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And so it has begun. I knew it would begin fracturing.

Trump is trying to shift responsibility for the alleged conspiracy to bribe Ukraine onto his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor has said.

Trump told disgraced conservative radio host Bill O'Reillyon Tuesday that "I didn't direct" Giuliani to dig up dirt on his political rivals in Ukraine".

Rudy will be facing conspiracy against the United States charges if this is true. Yall remember what happened to Trump's last personal attorney Michael Cohen?

He's in prison for working on Trump's behalf. However the difference is Rudy says he has an insurance policy in case Trump tries to sell him out like he did Cohen.

This is a mess but we all knew that it would come to this. These guys are all criminals and eventually criminal enterprises come to an end. We are at the beginning of these two clowns turning on each other. This is fucking awesome none of us Progressives could have asked for things to play out any better than they are expiring.

We absolutely love this.

Go Rudy

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Progressives can't write a single sentence with out this disclaimer. It's pitiful. I was hopping to find the YouTube montage of every single CNN and MSNBC commentator saying "If this is true" before everything they said. Funny as hell. Here's an example from an article in Salon.

If this is true, it would explain a lot about the Fox News/Trump relationship.

And if you wouldn't mind SC could you dig up that statute about "conspiracy against the United States". I'd be interested in reading that one.