San Bernardino Shootings

Chung Tran's Avatar
I watched 5 straight hours today.. riveting stuff..

so the first report I heard, that 3 white men stormed the building, is proven false.. one of the 3 shooters was female, and now dead, along with one guy.. the last guy is in custody.. no names yet.. no motive.

Obama and the media were quick to rule out international terrorism, and conclude that it was an act of workplace violence gone particularly bad..

we'll see.
Well now they are saying one of the shooters is named Sayed Farook. The "religion of peace" strikes again?
Interesting. Are you watching Fox news? I've been watching CNN and it's slightly different. Two dead suspects, 1 male 1 female. Third person has been detained but not confirmed as a suspect. At least 1 witness has said they saw a "dark skinned" man enter the building and shots rang out. There may be another suspect on the loose.

Edit: terrorist attack hasn't been ruled out.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Well now they are saying one of the shooters is named Sayed Farook. The "religion of peace" strikes again? Originally Posted by tire-chucker
right.. his brother is the other guy.. woman's relationship unknown for now.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Syed's father confirmed he's a true and devout Muslim... workplace violence may have been the theme, however unlikely.. alleged argument at the party between Sayed and others before the shooting.. he worked with the people having the party, so terrorism seems unlikely as a pure motive.

I'm not comprehending how he could leave, round up two others to come in and murder 14 people.. over an impromptu argument at a workplace party.. I think there was organization in place, plans made before the party.. any argument was superfluous to the plans already in place to massacre.. my take.
I flipped back and forth between Fox and CNN coverage and there was a distinctly different tone from each network. It's not hard to see how we've become so politically divided.

I'm conservative, but I didn't like the spin Fox News was promoting without having all the facts yet (they used the word terrorism in nearly every other sentence). Then again, if it does turn out to be terrorism then I suppose CNN will appear as though they were just being sympathetic to terrorists.

Time will tell.
The whole thing sucks and not in a good way. Workplace violence would be a spin to prevent a "terrorist" attack on the current administrations watch, oh wait they have had several. I agree there is a huge spin difference between Fox and the other more liberal broadcast stations of which none are practicing good journalism these days as it is all about who has the scoop. Either way, I am sure political spin is going to occur in order to further someones political agenda in spite of the fact that it occurred in a state with rather strict gun laws.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
What Chung said, and what THN said, what MILFEater said.
Scrape off the spin and suppositions and you still have a mix of a soft target and zealots.
Not unlike a purpoted Christian bombing an abortion clinic.
Chung Tran's Avatar
a common theme that seems to run through these incidents, is a lot of people who know the killers expressing disbelief.. shock that this individual could do anything like that.

which runs counter to the popular belief among some of us, that certain groups (eg., Muslims) are profiled, seen as potential threats.. meanwhile this mass murderer was assembling ammunition, guns, and explosives.. the political operatives want to say Fayed got upset at a Christmas party, and rounded up his wife, came back in fatigues, and exacted his punishment.

their answer? fight the NRA.. enact tougher gun control.. meanwhile, Obama has helped sell more guns in human history during his tenure.

when are we going to wake up?
Looks like it's terrorism.

Male shooter took two trips to Saudi recently and the wife was flown in on a fiance visa.

The very handsome but douchy journalist on CNN on the ground there is pushing his own gun control agenda this whole time though. He's almost attractive enough for me to support him. Almost.
Chung Tran's Avatar
yup.. terrorism.

workplace argument/violence is nonsense.. this pair had thousands of rounds of ammunition at home, 12 pipe bombs.. this attack was planned out for some time, Fayed knew the workplace party would be an easy, soft target..

fact is, Fayed is (was) a crazy fanatic Goon, whose "cause" was so important, he dropped off his baby at Grandma's, and massacred his co-workers.. and Obama wants to blame easy gun access.. these folks had a number of fellow fanatics to their home the past few weeks, nobody would say anything for fear of being called racist or "Islamophobic"..

the Media continues with its "this doesn't make sense" anti-terror belief.. meanwhile, we frisk 80 year-old Grandmas at our airports, trying to thwart 9-11 number two.. at the same time trying to use reason to understand how this latest act could actually be terrorism.

that's why it's called terror.. it strikes seemingly random, in unexpected places and times..
Yeah I'm not feeling the gun argument either. I'm sure plenty of unstable people legally have guns. Wtf does it matter at this point.

Here's what I personally am thinking about (and call me a bigot or what the fuck ever because I couldn't care less), here's what I think: there's a Muslim daycare I drive by on my way to work nearly everyday and even before Paris or San Bernadino I would think to myself, "self, wtf are they teaching the kids in that daycare?"

The moms all drive minivans and dress in full head to toe garb. The little girls are covered too. The boys are dressed like normal boys. Deep down in my conscience I feel bad for worrying about this place but in reality I don't feel bad at all.

I'm not a gun owner and I don't think that gun laws have anything whatsoever to do with causing the problem or with solving the problem but I am certainly more and more compelled to own a gun the more this goes on. I think clinging to our guns is just a false sense of security and until we figure out how to stop this underground movement it's only going to get worse. But yes in the meantime, a gun will make me feel safer.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-03-2015, 12:16 PM
It's a shame what happened, maybe something was said at the Xmas party that sent the killer over the edge?

Gun sales are not the problem, it's the people who handle them. What's next, hard dicks are blamed for sex crimes?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think clinging to our guns is just a false sense of security and until we figure out how to stop this underground movement it's only going to get worse. But yes in the meantime, a gun will make me feel safer. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
well said.. if one person in that room was carrying a concealed handgun.. who knows? maybe instead of some 30 people shot, the number could have been less than 10.. California has strict gun laws, but that didn't keep this pair from acquiring many.

It's a shame what happened, maybe something was said at the Xmas party that sent the killer over the edge? Originally Posted by biglatinmale
the Killer (s) was already over the edge.. you can't say something untoward at a fucking party, and cause someone to leave, dress in battle gear, summon his killer wife, round up hundreds of bullets, several guns (4 were left behind at the scene), explosives.. oh, and return to the party and shoot 30 people.. this thing was planned weeks ago, most likely.. nobody said a God Damn thing at the party to the poor Muslim.. except to wonder "where's Syed?" after he left to get his weapons.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Whatever the reason my heart is heavy for the families it's an awful tragedy And lives are forever changed