Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

skbinks's Avatar
I will be spending my Holidays in Little Rock again this year and just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. I am so looking forward to the warmer weather even if it is only about 10 degrees warmer, 70 on Christmas Day. I'm kind of partial to the women of KC but I have to admit, looking around, Little Rock women are just as beautiful and I am looking forward to meeting a few.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the Ladies and the gentlemen.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Merry Christmas to you too!!
merry christmas
DallasRain's Avatar
I see some reviews of Lariyah from KC. Good taste sir! There are ladies here that will please you just as much.
Merry Christmas to the wonderful ladies that I was able to meet this year, and thank all of y'all for introducing me to this hobby and helping "supplement" my happiness in life.

To all those I have not yet been lucky enough to meet, Happy New Year - and there are more than a few of you I hope to see in 2016 and beyond. But I think my 2015 friends will have me coming back for more too...decisions decisions.

But for real, thank you for the service you provide. Even though society frowns upon it, you bring a lot of joy to a lot of lives that need it.
skbinks's Avatar
I see some reviews of Lariyah from KC. Good taste sir! There are ladies here that will please you just as much. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
It sucks, I didn't get time to actually hobby this trip. I did do some photo shoots while here, hopefully you will get to see them soon. Beautiful ladies with great personalities (and other attributes) here, I might have to make a Summer trip too.
You gonna give us any clues on who you shot or do we just have to wait?
skbinks's Avatar
You gonna give us any clues on who you shot or do we just have to wait? Originally Posted by RJinLR
It's a surprise. LOL. Actually, I will let them chime in just in case (D?). Might only be one that does because one is UTR and I believe wanted her pics for something else and I haven't done the last shoot yet. I won't have time to edit them until I get back to KC in a week or so, just keep drooling because I assure you, the one that did want them for here is Gorgeous.....well, they all are.
skbinks's Avatar
You gonna give us any clues on who you shot or do we just have to wait? Originally Posted by RJinLR
She has posted some so I can now say it was Danielle Reid. I loved working with her too, so friendly and beautiful. I hope I get the chance again some day.