Sex while sleeping.

Guest010619's Avatar
Years ago in the civie world, I was sleeping with a fellow employee after a late shift at a restaurant.
We had hot, passionate sex that night and the next morning I woke up as she was slowly tugging at my now fully erect manhood.
She said she had just finished giving me a blow job and was attempting to mount me while I was asleep.
Here's my question.
Has anyone,male or female had sex with their willing partner as they slumbered through the entire time?
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
There's a "condition" called sexsomnia where people have sex, or try to anyway, while asleep. They basically have no idea what they're doing until either woken up by their partner or in most cases when they're close to orgasm.

Sounds cool but I've read stories on reddit where people have it or their partner had it and they'd never discussed sex while the other was asleep, so they run into a scenario where they or their partner is forcing themselves on them when they may not want it.

Personally I'd probably like it better if I was awake to enjoy it, but if a lady wanted to go for a ride while I saw logs then I wouldn't mind one bit.
albundy's Avatar
I guess it happens, just not to me....sigh.

This maniac had a woman arrested for it. Good news though. They let her off the hook!


Once I woke up having sex with my then-girlfriend in the spooning position, probably around 4am. We had a great session, passed back out. When I asked her about it in the morning, she said she woke up with us having sex, so I'm not exactly sure what happened. it only happened the one time, and that was over 10 years ago, but I'd love to have a repeat experience. It was definitely memorable!
ICU 812's Avatar
There is a whole ganre of porn devoted to "Sleeping Sex" that I just don't buy. Outside of the sleep-walking type of sex described earlier, unless a person is exhausted in the extreme or otherwise unconscious, I would think they would wake up at some point.

That's the whole point of Ruffies right?
I would not want to sleep through an orgasm.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-27-2015, 02:28 PM
Use to happen to me pretty often.
Apparently I'm "handsy" when I sleep...when the girl is into it I tend to wake up either in the middle of it or just before completion.
If they're not into it I tend to get kicked or slapped awake. lol

I have to explain to "just friends" that if I start getting all touchy in the night and they're not willing that they need to wake me up...and no, it's not just a line I use to try and take advantage of trusting ladies.

Sad...sounds like I'm a better lover when I'm asleep than when I'm awake.
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies usually start yawning after the laughter stops from me dropping trou ...