Backpage credit?

cinderbella's Avatar
Question for the ladies only:

I have an email from backpage showing they received my payment and that I have credit for placing my ad.

I clicked on the credit to pay for my ad, and nothing happens. I can enter the amount I want to use, but nothing happens even when I push enter. I emailed backpage about it, but figured I would ask here if any of you ladies knew the answer. Thanks.
Not one of the ladies but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night....

Make sure you enter your Social Security number and at least one bank account number to insure the "payment" of the credit goes to the proper account.

Same thing happens to me all the time with my Nigerian lottery winnings!!
As I recall, there are two buttons under the "post ad" button. one is yellow and one is pale grey. the grey one is the one you want. (easy to miss)
cinderbella's Avatar
Thank you, Honey Rose. I really admire and appreciate your presence on this board. You are as intelligent as you are beautiful.