Rudy G

VitaMan's Avatar
The other threads about Rudy have too many words.
This photo says it all.

matchingmole's Avatar
sportfisherman's Avatar
Poor Rudy G. !!

He should have stayed in Hollywood !!

He had gigs lined up. He was up for an Academy Award !!

Now Trump is probably glad that Rudy is in hospital with Covid.

At least he is not in a Courtroom making a more complete ass of himself.

Nor at a Press Conference situated at the Four Seasons Landscape Office.

Nor on a Talk Show blathering about some Freaky conspiracy shit.

Trump got him on ice.

Rudy has been fucked.

You think He is going to get Paid ??

Don't count on it !!

And think of the hit on his credibility and legacy.

He gone from Hero to Zero !!

He may die from Covid. He in the age group.

He got the jump on it. He already look like a skeleton.
matchingmole's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
What a fuckings loser!

He probably deserves to rot in the gutter, eh!
VitaMan's Avatar
He used to be well respected. He took on the Mafia in NYC, for christs sake.
And he was actually well liked too, almost charismatic press conferences when mayor.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Now he has a passion for corruption.