The Appeal of Oral Sex

I'm fascinated by the many faces of oral sex, especially with regards to BJs. While cunnilingus generally needs to be performed within a certain range of pressures and tempos (I've never heard of aggressive DATY being enjoyable), the cock can take a bit more "abuse" than the delicate ladybits, so more variation is possible. I've found myself pondering the psychology of oral sex.

The mood during fellatio can differ from loving, to sensual, to naughty, to downright nasty. While there's no doubt the giver is responsible for deciding what she is willing to do performance-wise, the receiver also has a hand in setting the tone of the encounter.

For the receiver, there is something innately trusting about exposing the most sensitive parts of your anatomy to another's mouth. The human mouth can be vicious - with teeth designed for ripping and tearing and a bite punctuated by thousands of pounds of pressure - or it can be tender, warm with a soft, supple tongue and full, luscious lips.

For the giver, the act of taking another's genitalia into your mouth implies trust as well, but it also signals acceptance. The giver has a responsibility to treat the cock with care, avoiding the introduction of teeth, and paying heed to the receiver's unique sensitivities. CIM/swallowing confirms a complete commitment to the act. The deep throat - an action most of us would like to perform consistently, but have varied success depending on the size of the cock we are handling - also signifies a total surrender to the receiver.

It's one of only two "sex acts" where one person is fully committed to giving total pleasure. And oral (BJ or DATY) is, as you say, an intimate act that shows a commitment at a very deep level. Now coming in the mouth, and then swallowing, is another level deeper.

As you say, the receiver is showing a deep level of trust. Not only could you bite my cock in half (and swallow? , which avoids the Bobbit syndrome) but I could ripe your lips or clit off. It's the ultimate surrender.
Oh boy. Here we go....
Oh boy. Here we go.... Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
They wanted more provocative posts...
Don't get me started, woman.....
austinkboy's Avatar
Now you've done it. I was going to abstain today, but since you posted this thread, I ended up booking an appointment! Dang, I have no will power!
What's wrong with a little teeth?
greymouse's Avatar
Natalie: This looks suspiciously like one of those thoughtful threads that weren’t working anymore but a little break from the seasonal hilarity is probably in order.
I think the primacy of oral sex on him as the centerpiece of Hobby World is very interesting. I am so old that I miss General Eisenhower presiding over a country that was clearly at the top of the heap with respect to almost everything, except maybe sex.
Back in those olden days “marriage manuals” used to talk up fellatio as a means to enhance marital sex (no one was going to admit to the existence of non-marital sex). They argued that it wasn’t really “dirty” or demeaning to women and besides men really liked it, once they found out there was such a thing.

More than half a century later it appears that most people who have one swinging want it sucked as their default pleasure mode. Most reviews start out with “and then she took my cock in her mouth...” Penetration sex is usually an interlude between rounds of oral on him. Usually he wants to finish in her mouth. Actually, he wants Her to finish Him that way. Sex is supposed, that is, generally thought to be, an “innate” or “instinctive” behavior, a basic impulse. How can it have fashions? How can what most Guys want to do change in less than two generations from stick it in and work it to have her suck it till it comes?

Good question. I think the HIV epidemic and the return of all condoms all of the time for penetrative sex has something to do with that. So does the fact that most Hobbyists are middle aged or (as in my case) older.

Then there is the fact that the Pay for Play cottage industry contains a great many ladies who are very, very good at doing oral. Much better than the average middle aged guy’s wife certainly. I am in no position to know how things are among teenagers and twenty somethings. What I read in the newspapers suggest the girls in those groups have figured out that giving oral will get them as close to his heart as it is possible to get and is a good deal safer than opening their legs. Maybe there is a generational gap opening up in degree of expertise in doing fellatio. I have noticed the number of women in the business who can really deep throat has gone up dramatically in the past few years as have the ladies who do CIM. I remember when one of my favorites from several years ago dived full depth for the first time onto my cock - for a couple of seconds. “I’ve been practicing” she said. She also said, during another session that she had been experimenting with letting customer guys come in her mouth. It wasn’t common then. It is now. To the despair of some women who do not care for the salty bleach taste treat or fear the potential dangers, probably small, definitely not zero and largely unquantified.

As to the joy of the experience of receiving: it is really difficult to describe. Nothing is better to me than being dragged, millimeter by millimeter, toward a an orgasm that you have just started to want really, really badly by a warm, wet, embracing mouth and tongue and maybe a bit of throat. It she lets it happen in her mouth and keeps going to just barely short of the point of unendurability there is nothing better. Unless she swallows. I personally haven’t come inside a condom in this century so I light candles in front of my little shrine to the BBBJTC every day.
Don't get me started, woman..... Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
I wish you would get started, sir.

Now you've done it. I was going to abstain today, but since you posted this thread, I ended up booking an appointment! Dang, I have no will power! Originally Posted by austinkboy
Just call me the evil temptress. Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Now, back to the topic of magical mouth hugs...
greymouse's Avatar
What's wrong with a little teeth? Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
I have found that attempts to make the orgasm happen because time is running out or her jaw feels like it going to fall off always led to some unavoidable (and probably unconscious) "toothyness". So do attempts to force the issue by thrusting into her mouth. Doesn't really work for me but a little abrasion isn't a problem. The male member was designed by Nature to be run naked through the brush. It isn't all that delicate, anxieties aside.

And, yes, I do know that was humor. Some people can't resist being serious.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-20-2010, 10:30 AM
And here I was thinking that this thread was going to be an intellectually stimulating discussion about arguing the constitutionality of state and local sodomy laws before the Federal court system.

Bah! Humbug!
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
I'm not sure I know what you are talking about. Can you Show me? <G>
I found these to be pretty appealing!!

This is where I received my training! I got a diploma and everything
wiry's Avatar
  • wiry
  • 12-20-2010, 11:44 AM
Great that's just what I needed to read today.
Now I've got an itch that needs scratching.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-20-2010, 12:06 PM
They make ointment for that. I use Lanacane®. But a store brand hydrocortisone cream usually works, too.