This woman I knew put an ad in the news-paper that said I need a man that won't run, beat on me, and that has a big dick that knows how to use it. So this one day, this friend of mine showed up at the door rings the door bell. The woman answers the door, looks at the guy. Guy tells her I'm here about the ad in the news-paper that you had going. Woman looks at the guy, ask him howe do you qualify. Guy says, well maam.... I'm in a wheel-chair, I have no arms, and no legs. So the woman gets to thinking and wondering, what about the dick? The guy looks at it and smiles and says. How do you thing I was able to ring the door bell?!

Anyway..... That was the joke of the day...

I feel like my life right now is like a damn country song. Everything seems to be going wrong at the wrong time. I'm so confused about the word of "Love". I don't think anybody actually knows what it means anymore due to the high divorce rate we have today. I was in a realtionship for 4 months. The woman actually asked me to marry her, I looked at her and said It's too soon. Crazy thing is, every since she started the marriage talk. We were fighting everyday it seems like. So she tells me one day, I need to grow up, and find myself. I ask her who gets married at 4 months? I know sometimes people jump into things but if Im going to get married I want it to be right and I got to know the person what they are thinking everytime. I loved her not going to lie, so this one day she sends me a text message saying she needs space and going break up. I'm like what the hell?! So again she tells me I needed to grow up and find myself. Oh I forgot she was married before I met her. I asked her why shes doing this.... and gave me that as an answer. Day after she calls it quits on me, she goes out starts seeing somebody else. What do you call that? Is that really love? How fucked up and wicked are you, if your going to go out and tell somebody you love them and want to marry them and all the sudden take the whole thing out back and shoot it with a 40 glock? Did she really love me? I find that hard to believe. Maybe she was in a hurry to get married and she didnt give a damn to who it was. My point im trying to make is. people in this world play some fucked up wicked games and I have seen them all it seems like at. You dont mess with people's feelings like that. But what do I know? I know one thing.... I'm going to get mine and I'm going to finish big on top. It may not be today, tomorrow or next week. But I'm going to get mine and I'm going to stick it up everybody's ass that stuck that knife through me. Nice guys always going to finish last.
Keep your head up, sounds like you dodged a bullet with that girl!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-24-2011, 08:30 PM
Relax.... and prepare.... Life gets a whole lot more crazier from here on out!! At least now , you have found a place where you can enjoy a nice honest relationship.... one hour at a time!!

Calvinx's Avatar
Yeah, you're not the only one who has ran into crazy situations. At this point in my life, I'm convinced I'm somehow related to Rodney Dangerfield.
Relax.... and prepare.... Life gets a whole lot more crazier from here on out!! At least now , you have found a place where you can enjoy a nice honest relationship.... one hour at a time!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz

Could not have said it better myself Giz!! I guess that is what being young is do all the shit that you say you would never do...or just not tell any one you did. LOL!
Yeah, you're not the only one who has ran into crazy situations. At this point in my life, I'm convinced I'm somehow related to Rodney Dangerfield. Originally Posted by Calvinx
ha ha
too funny!
Most distressed to hear unfortunate story of gentleman misadventure. Many here can relate similar tale of heartbreak. In romance like any gamble, one roll dice and take own chances. No one is winner every time, but in every mishap is lesson to be learned if mind and heart remain open. Do not allow detour to halt worthwhile journey of self discovery even if same bring more questions than answers. In end as wisely stated, "living well is best revenge."
arkansasknight's Avatar
YT sorry to hear your story. I would bet if you got 10 guys in a room 9 of them would have a similar story bud. Life is a crap shoot and it sounds like she just wanted to be married and yes it probably didn't matter to who as long as she was taken care of. Chin up like said before you dodged a bullet. Don't be mad and angry. Allowing one to make you angry means they have control over you. Don't give her that. When you find the right girl you will know it and later in life her interest may change and she may break your heart. Why do you think the human body heals, it is because it knows there will always be pain, and with out pain we know no pleasure. So seek pleasure and happiness my friend. I think you already know this is a good place to seek that until you find that one special one or settle and fill the void with the beauty and love so many from here give. Peace YT peace......
You are a lucky man to have figured her out BEFORE you got married.

Now go out and get laid...


You are a lucky man to have figured her out BEFORE you got married.

Now go out and get laid... Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
For the past day and a half, I've been pondering on something profound to say about your unfortunate experience. I think Huck summed it up the best.
One of my favorite quotes, "Life's a bitch, then you marry one" In my case I was so stupid I married 2!!!! LMAO. Chin up good buddy, At least you have found a place now, where you are guaranteed NO ONE will pressure you into marriage! LOL, I made a funny!
Well now you've found the perfect place to relieve all your stresses with lots of fun but without any of the pressures.

Yeah, I just been not myself here lately. To top things off this puts the icy and cherry on top of the pie. I found out today that the crazy bitch is pregant and that it could be mine. Also, that she was cheating on me first part of this year. Thet words can't describe how I feel right now inside. My mind is complete shot right now, and just wasnt what I was expecting today. When it rains, it sometimes comes a damn flood. I dont know maybe this is all a sign or something telling me something? I'm just really not myself. Haven't been sleeping, not really eating, and work has been hell... I'm starting to take my personal life to work and its effecting the work place. It's really has taking a bad turn. I havent been drinking which is a good thing. I got vacation time coming up soon, I thought about taking a leave of absents so I could take a trip and clear my head... I'm just hoping things will get better soon because damn it feels like I been shot and left to die after getting told that news today.
Yeah, I just been not myself here lately. To top things off this puts the icy and cherry on top of the pie. I found out today that the crazy bitch is pregant and that it could be mine. Also, that she was cheating on me first part of this year. Thet words can't describe how I feel right now inside. My mind is complete shot right now, and just wasnt what I was expecting today. When it rains, it sometimes comes a damn flood. I dont know maybe this is all a sign or something telling me something? I'm just really not myself. Haven't been sleeping, not really eating, and work has been hell... I'm starting to take my personal life to work and its effecting the work place. It's really has taking a bad turn. I havent been drinking which is a good thing. I got vacation time coming up soon, I thought about taking a leave of absents so I could take a trip and clear my head... I'm just hoping things will get better soon because damn it feels like I been shot and left to die after getting told that news today. Originally Posted by youngthunder

Sounds like you need to run away friend. No worries, a kid isn't that bad....Youn learn to love em! lol. Life is full of crap, hence that is what makes us wiser. Learn from it and move on, don't let it wear ya down like that.. Take that trip and relax, you need it!