Her crusade against porn

Pamela Anderson - She states-- a healthy,loving,sexual experience demands both intimacy and respect,both of which porn addiction destroys and she is committed to raising this fundamental awareness and protecting the vulnerable enslaved in the sex industry and abusive relationships.
Merica - Where Pamela Anderson just became the spokeswoman for anti porn- really????
decoyoctopus88's Avatar
There a few ex pornstars that turned anti porn activist. The girl who starred in the famous Deepthroat movie is good example. Can't remember her name. And there's a few more if you google this topic. Pamela was never really a pornstar tho. Her sex tape with Tommy doesn't count. But she has obviously done adult modeling.
She made her money, now she is a fucking expert on what not to do. She is total bullshit.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Is it porn if its free?
Is it porn if its free? Originally Posted by playingnthedark

Is it coitus if it's free? :P
knotty man's Avatar
at 4" is it a cock. or still a peepee ?
Well Terry Crews was a porn addict who almost lost his family because of his addiction to porn... if that says anything.

The thing that gets to me on porn is today's search engine... well not the search engine but the keywords in specific...

Their are way too many options that goes in a weird place in my opinion and it only gets more weird..

I hate to say it but Pamela Anderson (of all the fucking morons on earth) does have a point.
wtfyourfired's Avatar

If Pamela Anderson want's someone to go after someone she should go after the doctors that turned her from a beautiful woman into the plastic surgery nightmare she has been for so many years
Wow, I don't even recognize her in that first picture. Is that the same person?
"Porn addiction" is 99.9% a made up disease. I'm sure there's some poor bastard out there who cannot stop looking at porn every waking moment...kind of like people who can't stop scrubbing themselves with soap and other compulsive behaviors. But for pretty much allllll the rest of us, it's called puberty. If you are straight and try to force yourself to not like looking at hot naked women and fail, you're not an addict. I don't care what your deeply religious wife who wants you to wear dress slacks, penny loafers and a v-neck sweater and thinks jerking off is cheating tells you.
Wow, I don't even recognize her in that first picture. Is that the same person? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Only looks like a disaster until you consider pic 2 is 30+ years older. She's 49 years old. She looks great.
texasfeet's Avatar
many loads were dropped in her name....
At first I thought the exact same thing. She's acquired her fame and money through sex appeal so how hypocritical?
Then I realized what better person to speak out about the harmful effects of being in the gutter than someone who has spent a lifetime in the gutter and knows first hand?

Just because we enjoy the gutter doesn't mean she doesn't have a valid point.

There is no way anyone here can say that cheating on a spouse with hookers is not damaging to the marriage and family bond whether caught or not and I am including you guys who claim your spouses hobby with you.

Stay in the hobby long enough and it will takes it's toll on everyone.
NovTel's Avatar
I agree with the points people are bringing out here. But, let's say a recovering alcoholic launches a campaign against alcoholism because they saw how damaging it can be to their lives.

Or a recovering druggie does the same thing on drugs for the same reason as above.

Wouldn't it be similar for a former porn star to do the same thing?
Yep absolutely although she was never a porn star. She just had a video leaked of her and Tommy going at it on a boat.
That being said considering her circles I'd be willing to bet she has some first hand experience with the industry. She also contacted Hep C from wild Tommy.
She's matured, is now in a different place and simply wants to share her insight. It's a far cry better than an interview she did on Howard Stern discussing how to handle taking it in the ass.