I just joined a gym

Miss_Mya's Avatar
Well, I finally joined a gym after getting my medical stats the other day and I was not happy. As some of you know I need to loose some weight and actually more than I originally thought. I plan on doing classes everyday before work to get me started. I am always careful about what I eat but I guess lately I have slipped some. If anybody has any suggestions on the best workouts, the best exercise, or the best classes to do at a gym please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Omahan's Avatar
Well, I finally joined a gym after getting my medical stats the other day and I was not happy. As some of you know I need to loose some weight and actually more than I originally thought. I plan on doing classes everyday before work to get me started. I am always careful about what I eat but I guess lately I have slipped some. If anybody has any suggestions on the best workouts, the best exercise, or the best classes to do at a gym please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Originally Posted by Miss_Mya
I did hear something interesting yesterday. Everyday within 30 minutes of getting up have a breakfast with a good amount of protein. That will increase your metabolism and keep you feeling full longer.

As far as exercise the cardio will help most with weight loss. That is running, treadmill, stairstep machine etc. Good luck. If you stick with it I know you will get results.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
Thanks Omahan. I heard that to about breakfast and protein (was afraid to say that I was going to start getting more protein because of the obvious jokes that would follow). It is nice to hear from another person as well.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
well i just won't say anything
More anal sex. Lol make you lose weight real fast.
Cut back on the white stuff, bread, rolls etc. Try protein shakes,they work wonders for your apetite and help build muscle. Don't worry about bulking up, its a myth. Combine weights and cardio initially to fire up the fat burners. Focus on totaly body workouts, compound exercises, the classes will help you there. Start slow, don't go too extreme, you may get injured or burned out. Good luck!
Cut back on ALL bread, pasta, etc(Even wheat bread turns to sugar once it's in your system).
If you eat only the following, I can promise you that you will lose a pound a day. This might stop after ten days, but should resume again after 3-5days:

Chicken, fish, avacados, eggs, fruits, vegetables(no corn), unsalted raw almonds/cashews, and a lot of water. Also, don't use any seasoning besides sea salt. Eat these in moderation, but with fruits/veg have as much as you want, and the same goes for the fish pretty much.

Not saying it's easy at all, and you'll crave carbs. It will be worth it though
kccountryboy's Avatar
If the gym has the facilities, take up swimming. It is a great full body work out. If you are able to do and master each of the different strokes, you will work every muscle in the body. Freestyle and butterfly are my favorite. Backstroke and breaststroke are both excellent as well. Due to the range of motion it will also aid in flexibility as well. Not to mention the cardio effect it has on the body. Just be sure not to push too hard at first and remember to breeth. If you do not breeth enough, you can build lactic acid in the muscle tissue which can cause severe damage to you body. The other big bonus to it is the fact that it is very low impact. It will not damage any of your joints unlike a treadmill or lifting heavy weights. A treadmill, even an elliptical can hurt your knees, hips, ankles, back and neck because of the jarring motion.

It will also give you a more toned physic as well as a stronger one. Repetition of light weights build muscle tone and density while improving stamina. Yoga and Tai Chi are also great as work outs. I am a bit of a swimmer, swam in college on scholarship.
Damn you people, you are all making me want to hit the gym now.
Depends on your body type. BUT typically I say eat more meat, vegetables and a lot less bread, potatoes, rice and pasta.

If you are able to workout when you first wake up I have read gives way to a fantastic workout!

#1 Workout Rule for Me:
I can't say it enough...Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. It's the best way to burn calories/fat!!

You can do cardio every day, but if you are doing any kind of weight lifting you need to make sure you give your body/muscles time to recover after each workout or else you just end up breaking them down instead of toning them up.

I also do a protein shake (not that kind LOL) after each workout. I like the Egg White Protein Shakes, but I would say most from GNC are appropriate enough.

Some supplements/vitamins that help in weight loss: Calcium, Vitamin D, Selenium, Choline, Chromium.

Also I want to make sure that your doctor checked your Thyroid. If you have recently gained a lot of weight pretty quickly, you could have a hypothyroid. That requires medical attention, and a lot of times a prescription.

It's not about losing weight now. It is about changing your life now. Making a lifestyle change where you exercise, and eat more healthy from this moment out. It's a commitment. I tell everyone I know that exercise and a healthy diet are about the 2 hardest jobs you will ever have to do.

Good for you! There are a plethora of benefits from exercise and a healthy diet!!! I don't know what I would do without my exercise regime I have committed to. Amazingly Happier Life!!!
Miss_Mya's Avatar
Also I want to make sure that your doctor checked your Thyroid. If you have recently gained a lot of weight pretty quickly, you could have a hypothyroid. That requires medical attention, and a lot of times a prescription. Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
My thyroid has been checked and it is fine thankfully. What really did it in for me was about a year ago I was on the stupid depo shot and didn't know that it can cause weight gain. It did cause weight gain and I was even working out, eating right, and even had a personal trainer and nothing was working. I want to thank everyone for their advice.
john_galt's Avatar
Miss Mya has seen me but a few years ago I lost over 30 lbs in two months with weight training and I only went to the gym about 2-3 times a week. Muscle burns more calories. Don't over do it though. Break into it slowly.
Hey girl,
I have been out of my workout routine for longer than I'd like to admit...
but I have been certified in personal training.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask
Who knows...Maybe you could use a workout partner from time to time...
I think my main contributors to weight gain are pizza and beer which are unfortunately my favorite dinner.
If you live by the Liberty Memorial, it has a TON of steps to walk up and down and it's a good place to walk, job and stretch.
But yes, lay off the carbs even though they're yummy. I need to do the same.
there is a really great wieght loss shake that you can get a G.N.C a good friend of mine found it and withing a few months (about five months ) she lost a awsome 30 lbs.I will find out the name of it and get back to you.its very simple.cup of 1% or 2% milk a cup of ice and either half a banana or about four to five good size strawberrys mix in blender,pretty easy right use it for breakfast and have a simple lunch then if you choose to use it for dinner as well or have a nice salad. i am working on doing the same diet and well i am very excited to start.if your wanting to start it let me know and well if you need someone to help you with this i can be your support group,as we all know weight loss isnt easy.