How to Recover the Real America - Start a New Country!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This former Reagan aide has the right idea - time to start a new country, cause the one you live in now is totally fucked up! Why continue to be a slave to liberals who only want you to work, pay taxes, let illegal immigrants vote and shut the fuck up? Your America is lost, you lost, it is time to accept that and move on.


What does conservative columnist and former Reagan aide Douglas MacKinnon see when he surveys the current state of affairs? A world, he says, that’s been “turned upside down if you do believe in traditional values.” Just look, for instance, at those uppity gays and their demand for equal treatment.
“If you happen to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple because it goes against your religious beliefs, you can be driven out of business,” MacKinnon told right-wing radio host Janet Mefferd yesterday. “If you’re a football commentator and you happen to just say innocently that maybe I wouldn’t have drafted a gay football player because I wouldn’t want to deal with the distraction, many people on the left will try to drive you out of your job as well.”
So what’s a God-fearing, gun-toting, gay-loathing supporter of traditional values to do? It’s time, MacKinnon argues, to start thinking about drastic measures. The author was on Mefferd’s program to promote his new book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values County … Now.” You can guess what he proposes.
Now hold your horses there, MacKinnon says: He’s only talking about secession as part of an “academic” exercise. He just wants his dear readers to think about what a “Duck Dynasty”-watching, Cracker Barrel-patronizing, skeet-shooting republic with NO GAYS ALLOWED would look like.
MacKinnon reckons that we don’t need all of the former Confederate states to secede for this purely hypothetical, totally academic, completely theoretical project to work.
“We look at what states would be viable in terms of doing something like this. In fact, what states would provide sort of the new landmass for a new republic dedicated to traditional values. And the consensus was that the three best states in the union would be South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida,” MacKinnon told Mefferd, citing the states’ population, natural resources, infrastructure and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
No Texas? There’s reason enough for that, MacKinnon explains.
“[T]here have been a number of incursions into Texas and other places from some of the folks in Mexico,” he said.

Remember, now: We’re only talking hypotheticals here. But MacKinnon is willing to consider the possibility of this actually happening — and he’s even got a name for the new country in mind.
“If it moves beyond the academic, then it’s one of those things, too, where obviously now – in the age of instant communication – the world would also know about this country,” MacKinnon said. “The interim name for the country, by the way, is Reagan.”
OK, but didn’t we fight a Civil War over this kind of thing? Relax, MacKinnon assured Mefferd. “The eyes of the world would be watching” how the U.S. government responded to the Republic of Reagan’s formation, so Dictator Nobama won’t be launching a Second War of Northern Aggression.
So dare to dream, culture warriors. Picture a country where tyrannical homosexuals don’t insist on “rights” and “equality,” ketchup is a vegetable, and the kids Just Say No.
JLIdiot should move to Israel!

Oh that's right, he already did. He tried to defect to Israel a year ago this month and apparently they kicked his worthless ass out.

Good move on Israel's part!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Let's say you were born into a nice neighborhood of homes on large lots, with a well run neighborhood association run by a person who is public minded, gets a modest salary, and pays a landscaping company the market rate for the common areas.

Let's then say that someone comes in, buys 10% of the lots, tears down the houses, subdivides them (against association rules but not against county rules, so the association has to allow it per court order) into far smaller lots, and sells tiny, shitty little houses to new residents at cheap prices. Those new residents outnumber the older residents with the larger lots and more expensive homes. The new residents vote to change the member assessments from per house to per value, and triple or quadruple the amount the wealthy have to pay, and bad mouth anyone who opposes it as greedy and selfish.

The new voters put in a new guy, who raises his own salary, and contracts with his buddy to do the common area maintenance for far more money, and he does his best work for the people in the new section, including mowing everyone's yard for free in the new section, and loaning them equipment for home projects at no cost. A new playground gets put in the new section, and when kids from the old section come to play, they feel they are not welcome.

You decide to sell your house (for less money than you would have received 5 years ago) and move. The free loaders in the new section call you unpatriotic and a traitor, but you feel you are just pursuing your own interests. You move to a new neighborhood where you feel more comfortable, and your old neighborhood goes to hell, just like you thought it would. They reap what they have sown.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
When times get tough, then maybe this idea will gain more traction. As long as the government prints money that other countries will accept, they can keep the peace. Once the dollar goes to hell, who knows?
Let's say you were born into a nice neighborhood of homes on large lots, with a well run neighborhood association run by a person who is public minded, gets a modest salary, and pays a landscaping company the market rate for the common areas.

Let's then say that someone comes in, buys 10% of the lots, tears down the houses, subdivides them (against association rules but not against county rules, so the association has to allow it per court order) into far smaller lots, and sells tiny, shitty little houses to new residents at cheap prices. Those new residents outnumber the older residents with the larger lots and more expensive homes. The new residents vote to change the member assessments from per house to per value, and triple or quadruple the amount the wealthy have to pay, and bad mouth anyone who opposes it as greedy and selfish.

The new voters put in a new guy, who raises his own salary, and contracts with his buddy to do the common area maintenance for far more money, and he does his best work for the people in the new section, including mowing everyone's yard for free in the new section, and loaning them equipment for home projects at no cost. A new playground gets put in the new section, and when kids from the old section come to play, they feel they are not welcome.

You decide to sell your house (for less money than you would have received 5 years ago) and move. The free loaders in the new section call you unpatriotic and a traitor, but you feel you are just pursuing your own interests. You move to a new neighborhood where you feel more comfortable, and your old neighborhood goes to hell, just like you thought it would. They reap what they have sown. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Well said!!! ... Ozombies are like LMAO!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well said!!! ... Ozombies are like LMAO! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Now who can argue with THAT?

Now who can argue with THAT?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

About time you woke up.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not only is it authentic frontier gibberish... But your comment had absolutely NOTHING to do with the post on which you were commenting.

It's about time for your electroshock therapy, isn't it, Slobbrin?
This former Reagan aide has the right idea - time to start a new country, cause the one you live in now is totally fucked up! Why continue to be a slave to liberals who only want you to work, pay taxes, let illegal immigrants vote and shut the fuck up? Your America is lost, you lost, it is time to accept that and move on.


What does conservative columnist and former Reagan aide Douglas MacKinnon see when he surveys the current state of affairs? A world, he says, that’s been “turned upside down if you do believe in traditional values.” Just look, for instance, at those uppity gays and their demand for equal treatment.
“If you happen to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple because it goes against your religious beliefs, you can be driven out of business,” MacKinnon told right-wing radio host Janet Mefferd yesterday. “If you’re a football commentator and you happen to just say innocently that maybe I wouldn’t have drafted a gay football player because I wouldn’t want to deal with the distraction, many people on the left will try to drive you out of your job as well.”
So what’s a God-fearing, gun-toting, gay-loathing supporter of traditional values to do? It’s time, MacKinnon argues, to start thinking about drastic measures. The author was on Mefferd’s program to promote his new book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values County … Now.” You can guess what he proposes.
Now hold your horses there, MacKinnon says: He’s only talking about secession as part of an “academic” exercise. He just wants his dear readers to think about what a “Duck Dynasty”-watching, Cracker Barrel-patronizing, skeet-shooting republic with NO GAYS ALLOWED would look like.
MacKinnon reckons that we don’t need all of the former Confederate states to secede for this purely hypothetical, totally academic, completely theoretical project to work.
“We look at what states would be viable in terms of doing something like this. In fact, what states would provide sort of the new landmass for a new republic dedicated to traditional values. And the consensus was that the three best states in the union would be South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida,” MacKinnon told Mefferd, citing the states’ population, natural resources, infrastructure and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
No Texas? There’s reason enough for that, MacKinnon explains.
“[T]here have been a number of incursions into Texas and other places from some of the folks in Mexico,” he said.

Remember, now: We’re only talking hypotheticals here. But MacKinnon is willing to consider the possibility of this actually happening — and he’s even got a name for the new country in mind.
“If it moves beyond the academic, then it’s one of those things, too, where obviously now – in the age of instant communication – the world would also know about this country,” MacKinnon said. “The interim name for the country, by the way, is Reagan.”
OK, but didn’t we fight a Civil War over this kind of thing? Relax, MacKinnon assured Mefferd. “The eyes of the world would be watching” how the U.S. government responded to the Republic of Reagan’s formation, so Dictator Nobama won’t be launching a Second War of Northern Aggression.
So dare to dream, culture warriors. Picture a country where tyrannical homosexuals don’t insist on “rights” and “equality,” ketchup is a vegetable, and the kids Just Say No. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
He's a fuckin' nut and so are you.

Did you get arrested at DFW today?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I like the idea of the Phoenix as the United States cast off this failed liberal, socialist experiment to expose a new United States which is stronger and better than before.
I am also perturbed with the current political state of our a Country.

But, I consider any talk of breaking up The United States as nothing short of Treason.

We settled this back in 1865. Yes, you can secede and form your own little Country, but you had better be willing to fight and win the war that will follow..
I consider any talk of breaking up The United States as nothing short of Treason.

We settled this back in 1865. Yes, you can secede and form your own little Country, but you had better be willing to fight and win the war that will follow.. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, I agree with the above wholeheartedly! Sometimes I shake my head in disbelief when I read their garbage.

Talk of "breaking up the United States" is "nothing short of treason." Their intense hatred defies all logic, patriotism and common sense.

If they do start a revolution against MY country, I hope they come within range of MY.300 Wby Mag. It's sighted in and ready to go.

I have a zero tolerance policy against treasonous bastard's and if given the authority, I have an itchy trigger finger.

Fuk'n Idiot's!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am also perturbed with the current political state of our a Country.

But, I consider any talk of breaking up The United States as nothing short of Treason.

We settled this back in 1865. Yes, you can secede and form your own little Country, but you had better be willing to fight and win the war that will follow.. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Of course, breaking up the country of England and forming the United States was by the same process you ostensibly abhor..were your founding fathers treasonous, by your definition?

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

-from the obvious source
Jackie, I agree with the above wholeheartedly! Sometimes I shake my head in disbelief when I read their garbage.

Talk of "breaking up the United States" is "nothing short of treason." Their intense hatred defies all logic, patriotism and common sense.

If they do start a revolution against MY country, I hope they come within range of MY.300 Wby Mag. It's sighted in and ready to go.

I have a zero tolerance policy against treasonous bastard's and if given the authority, I have an itchy trigger finger.

Fuk'n Idiot's! Originally Posted by bigtex

I consider it treasonous to invite millions of Illegal leaches into our country and leaving our borders wide open. Usurpers take my hard earned money and give it to Ozombies. This can go on for a while longer and then... Shits going to hit the fan... ain't nobody scared of you, FatBoy and your rifle.
I consider it treasonous to invite millions of Illegal leaches into our country and leaving our borders wide open. Usurpers take my hard earned money and give it to Ozombies. This can go on for a while longer and then... Shits going to hit the fan... ain't nobody scared of you, FatBoy and your rifle. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You and the rest of your fellow treasonous Idiot's's can always defect to another country.

If you promise to never return, I will gladly pay your one way ticket.

Fuk'n Idiot!