Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well and playing safe!!! Well i have been busy i went back to work for a nursing home so i stay pretty busy, well i have a few days off but not for good reasons, my oldest son just went through something horrific, he has been friends with a kid named steven well being stupid they were all partying together and he had a gun trying to be cool well he shot himself in the head and died right in front of my son so i am in illinois for the funeral tomorrow. My poor son i just cant imagine seeing something like that especially to someone you have been friends with your whole life well im asking if anyone wants to help out, his family needs help with funeral cost so im asking anyone who can spare even as little as 20 to please pm me ill give you info where to send it to and if anything please keep my son and stevens family in your prayers. I do miss you all and hope everyone is ok and i hope to see you all real soon! XOXOXO