It is not a bad idea. Most girls turn into prostitution because they have no other choice, they have addictions or they are coerced. I am sure thats a good alternative for some girls.
Originally Posted by Tequilablue
There are actually two very distinctly different groups of Providers:
(1) Independent businesswomen who choose of the own free will that they want to be Providers. They run their own business, make their own decisions and Provide because that is what THEY want to do for whatever reason they so desire, be it to make money, to make money while at the same time fulfilling a fantasy life, or simply because they want to. Being the "high priced call girl" is one of the most common female fantasies ... some actually do make this fantasy their reality.
(2) Women who are forced, coerced, pimped, enslaved, or to support an addiction. This program is primarily aimed at these women and it's a very good thing. I don't think anyone on here condones this and these women can benefit from a program like this.
TB: If you truly believe what you posted, i'd hate to see some of the poor girls that you frequent and shame on you for doing so.