Having trouble making appointments...

Hello, I am new to the site and a little new with this sort of thing...looked through the forums and it seems like most people are very helpful.

I only recently tried to make two appointments and just to put this out there I've never tried to use any escort services before.

Anyway the two girls ive contacted that have picked up were polite and so was I and we agreed to meet at a hotel in the area. Both times I arrive or am very close to getting there and I can't get into contact with her through the same phone number that we conversed on so I am forced to drive back home.

Anyone maybe can tell me why? Or is there something I am doing wrong??

I'd appreciate any input.


EDIT - Apologize in advance if I posted in the wrong area
Sorry you got stood up. It has happened to me a few times....always with younger ladies....it's best to find a reputable lady...someone that has some reviews so you know they're legit and more mature is usually the best way to go too (they usually know what they're doing unless they're just starting out). From what I understand from the ladies they get stood up as well...probably worse for them them than us. This
Well, both were late night. Like after midnight. It just confuses me to why they would set up a time and then not answer their phone. If they were not available they would have said so on the phone right? Maybe it has to do with my age? I'm only slightly older than the two girls I've contacted, but then again, they did not have the chance to get a look at me before they decided they were not going to answer the phone again.

Well, I guess I'll just call it bad luck. Thanks for the reply.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
LOL,Sorry for your misfortune. As for the age thing I will never see 70 again. I now make sure the lady knows my age at the beginning. If they decline I take no offense.
Sorry that happened to you Adhere! You are right they should have just said sorry can't meet you or whatever. You didn't do anything odd that may have gave them a bad feeling or asked something out of the ordinary? That's the only thing I can think of as to why they may do that. Did they work for an agency? If so, that may have been the answer there... Just speaking for myself I am 23 but will not see anyone around my age. I prefer the older gentlemen. It is alot easier and I have known other girls say the same. So I don't really think it was that. Maybe they are just new! Hope you didn't drive far ...
Do What Stannmannn said and find someone with reviews and stick with them until you yourself know how to weed through the b.s.ers and fonies!
No, it only took like 10 minutes to get there both times. See I'm in my twenties and both girls were 20 and 21 I think so I wasnt too much older than them. I even asked one if my age would be a problem because as I looked around and alot of providers seem to only see like 30+ men. She said she didnt mind, but it didnt matter obviously.

I didnt say anything odd at all, they agreed to meet up and then wont answer their phone again. They both seemed independent from what I can tell.
well hunny, sorry to hear that. there are many, many reputable providers out there. Have fun with them and then venture out if you have too. Im sure you will not feel the need to venture out once you have fun with all the enticing, well known ladies here!