Kinda like speed dating

cinderbella's Avatar
"Speed dating", I've never tried it but I imagine sometimes it must feel like this.

I am the first one to admit: As a woman, I am a moody and difficult to figure out bitch sometimes. I stayed off this board for a long time, happily coasting in the ease of my regular tried and true types.

That ship has sailed and I had to do what I am often scared to do, and that is to dip my foot in that water and feel the temperature around. Sure enough, some poor soul circles in for approach.

And then it happens. I chew his ass out because I don't like his inquiry. He pushed a button, made me uncomfortable. It wasn't his fault, he really didn't do anything wrong. He just asked a question I didn't like, I wanted to wait until I actually met him and locked eyes with him and felt comfortable with him.

By his viewpoint, he wanted to clear that up and not have any false expectations. Which I can certainly understand. I too, have been in that situation where I put my lust and desire ahead of the person who I was addressing. And I made that person uncomfortable and ultimately back away. And once you back away, once that pitchfork comes down in the sand between you, there is no real going back to the beginning.

Because you only have one chance to make that first impression. I just posted this tonight because I wanted to say: To the men and the women, I'm sorry for taking offense where none should be taken. And I'm sorry I just got scared. It's not you, it really is me. And last of all, Thanks for not throwing it back in my face and simply turning around and going back. Even thought I may not have said it, I wish you every peace and happiness for even considering me.

Because Speed Dating ain't no fun and women like me are a pain in the ass to figure out. I hope you find what you are looking for. And thanks for being nice about it.