Rush Limbaugh has sunk to an All-Time Low

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Wow, the Defacto speaker of the GOP Rush Limbaugh was on one of his ignorant spiteful racist rants:
Ok here it goes last week President Obama sent 100 troops to assist the Ugandan govt to oust the LRA(Lord's Resistance Army) you guys can google any source and you will discover how ruthless the LRA is here's one source but feel free to look up any source you like :
Bottom line they (LRA) have been known to abduct, torture and rape many children in order to fight in their army: here's a first hand account of a woman who gives her testimony of the LRA:
yet because they(LRA)are Christian and the Ugandan govt has a majority Muslim military- Rush twisted it to appear that Obama is sending troops to help the Muslims wipe out this "Christian" group:
I am beyond speechless and this guy is actually one of the main voices of the GOP- very sad and ignorant.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
All time low? That's hard to determine.

When the sounding line is only a thousand feet long, his average low can't be determined.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
All time low? That's hard to determine.

When the sounding line is only a thousand feet long, his average low can't be determined. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Muncherman I agree but I don't care what Rush thinks about Obama that's his views- but when you support an organization that has abducted children- raped and tortured them and groom them to be killing machines and you go on air "supporting" them because they are so called "Christians" I lose all respect I had(albeit very little) for that POS. I guess if Al-Queada were Christian Rush would have no problem with them.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That nasty tub of lard has made a career of hate mongering.

He doesn't have anything of value to offer the world, but as unbelievable as it is, he seems to make a living just by selling hatred to the rabble who have no moral compass either.

. . . How in the world he manages to stay on the air is beyond me, but I suppose there are enough ignorant people full of hate themselves that they believe the undiluted bullshit he shovels by the bushel!
blue3122's Avatar
Wow, the Defacto speaker of the GOP Rush Limbaugh was on one of his ignorant spiteful racist rants:
Ok here it goes last week President Obama sent 100 troops to assist the Ugandan govt to oust the LRA(Lord's Resistance Army) you guys can google any source and you will discover how ruthless the LRA is here's one source but feel free to look up any source you like :
Bottom line they (LRA) have been known to abduct, torture and rape many children in order to fight in their army: here's a first hand account of a woman who gives her testimony of the LRA:
yet because they(LRA)are Christian and the Ugandan govt has a majority Muslim military- Rush twisted it to appear that Obama is sending troops to help the Muslims wipe out this "Christian" group:
I am beyond speechless and this guy is actually one of the main voices of the GOP- very sad and ignorant. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The first statement is blatantly incorrect. Rush represents a very, very small portion of the GOP these days. 30 years ago, he had a bigger audience largely due to Reagan's popularity. A lot of people who used to consider themselves Republicans now identify themselves as Libertarians. So, of the roughly 28% who are identified as Republican, Rush probably does not represent more than 15-20%. Or about the similar number of Democrats that Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright represent.

If you can PROVE that Rush is representative of a larger group, have at it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

9% Unemployment.
There are quite a few who think that he has reached a new high.

I have been listenning to Rush ever since he came on the National Scene. I find that in the majority of cases, after the dust settles, he is correct.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
There are quite a few who think that he has reached a new high.

I have been listenning to Rush ever since he came on the National Scene. I find that in the majority of cases, after the dust settles, he is correct. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So do you think he was correct on this??? When he was told of the atrocities of the LRA he didn't repudiate his remark- of course not he has too much pride- he made an a complete ass of himself for supporting this group- there are videos where the LRA capture children/men and cut off their lips, fingers and ears- these are no Bible preaching Christians- they are sick individuals. These guys(LRA) make the Taliban look like Mother Theresa:
  • MrGiz
  • 10-23-2011, 09:26 PM
I haven't heard him in quite a while... haven't heard these latest comments either... but I have a hard time believing there wasn't some "tongue-in-cheek sarcasm" involved in whatever comments are referred to, here!

Often... in the past, after hearing of some outrageous comments he has made... when I finally heard them for myself, I found the whole "controversy" to be outright bullshit!

He's no hero of mine.... but anyone who says his comments haven't been mis-characterized in the past.... is an outright bullshitter too!

just more of the same olde partisan bullshit from both sides at play!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2011, 09:56 PM
I think Rush should be the last person alive on the planet that should complain about others mis-characterizing his comments! He is the King when it comes to that. I used to like the guy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
People are on to Rush. He worked hard to get McCain elected, and no one cared. Right now he is just an entertainer. Very few take him seriously anymore.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You would think that most people have caught on to him by now, but apparently his deception is clever enough that it still fools many people.

. . . Does that fat fool really believe the bullshit he shovels?

People are on to Rush. He worked hard to get McCain elected, and no one cared. Right now he is just an entertainer. Very few take him seriously anymore. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think that anyone who puts all their eggs in one basket is misinformed. Rush is sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Fox news is sometime right and sometime wrong. CNN is sometimes right and sometime wrong. If you listen to only one news outlet then soon you are will start receiving propaganda. That is true no matter if you are rightwing or leftwing. The Civil war was fought in this country because it became a "US" and "THEM".
Budman's Avatar
Wow, the Defacto speaker of the GOP Rush Limbaugh was on one of his ignorant spiteful racist rants:
Ok here it goes last week President Obama sent 100 troops to assist the Ugandan govt to oust the LRA(Lord's Resistance Army) you guys can google any source and you will discover how ruthless the LRA is here's one source but feel free to look up any source you like :
Bottom line they (LRA) have been known to abduct, torture and rape many children in order to fight in their army: here's a first hand account of a woman who gives her testimony of the LRA:
yet because they(LRA)are Christian and the Ugandan govt has a majority Muslim military- Rush twisted it to appear that Obama is sending troops to help the Muslims wipe out this "Christian" group: lated
I am beyond speechless and this guy is actually one of the main voices of the GOP- very sad and ignorant. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Unless you have a different link backing up your statement then you are the sad and ignorant one. The link you supplied doesn't say anything of the sort.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2011, 10:56 AM
Unless you have a different link backing up your statement then you are the sad and ignorant one. The link you supplied doesn't say anything of the sort. Originally Posted by Budman
Rush is still nothing more than a liar...albiet a rich as fuc one!