Reference Friendly Providers -- Austin, Texas

Who are the Austin Reference Friendly Providers????

Recently in anticipation of a trip to SATX for a couple of days of hobby fun, I contacted two SATX ladies who asked me for references. I told them any lady I had seen in the last year would be OK and then gave them the name/phone/email of several of my ATX eccie regulars.

Note: I did not provide any phone/email that was not listed publically and their names were bolded in hyper-text to facilitate the SATX providers in locating the ATX showcase/profiles.

These references quickly responded positively, since I was cleared with both ladies in about three hours. Not bad on the part of my great references and the SATX ladies who asked for references.

Since we have a list of ATX providers that are newbie friendly (assume the are also reference friendly) and a list of AA friendly ladies, it seems we might find a list of ATX Reference Friendly Providers useful.

BTW, my great reference ladies were AsianLayla, Kendal Clarkson, and Its Britt,.

If you haven't see either of these three ladies BCD, then what are you waiting for. Get over there and have some fun, and establish some good credibility with three ladies who happily and quickly provided me with references.

Ladies/Gentlemen: Please add to my list below (Names/embedded links) of who else in ATX is Reference Friendly. Ladies, if you do not wish for your name to appear on this list let me know and I will remove it. Once we reach some momentum, I will check with the Mods and see if we need this to be a sticky--don't know at this point.

Reference Friendly Providers -- Austin, Texas

Its Britt
Kendal Clarkson
Britttany_love's Avatar
Im very reference friendly.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am super friendly when it comes to refs.. I usually reply within minutes..
derek303's Avatar
I can't believe they even asked for referances on you. Unless they aren't on eccie. 6000+ comments and 100+ reviews. WTF?
I am very reference friendly and tell clients they may use me as a reference if they like.
sue_nami's Avatar
I am very reference friendly and take the responsibility quite seriously., I usually answer within the hour, unless it is after my business hours then i get to it as soon as see the inquiry.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am a visitor and am reference friendly!
I can't believe they even asked for referances on you. Unless they aren't on eccie. 6000+ comments and 100+ reviews. WTF? Originally Posted by derek303

I am not from SATX, and they were being very security and privacy conscience. I fully understand and support their concerns--as a matter of fact, I encourage it. We all need to practice better security and privacy.

There have been instances of folks imitating me via text messages and these providers simply wanted to make sure that it was me who was requesting their screening. I fully support/applaud their efforts 100% to link me to my eccie profile/PMs, hobby email and hobby number.

Now that the "Business is done," it's time for the fun stuff.
Update #1 to "Who are the Austin Reference Friendly Providers????"

Ladies/Gentlemen: Please add to my list below (Names/embedded links) of who else in ATX is Reference Friendly. Ladies, if you do not wish for your name to appear on this list let me know and I will remove it. Once we reach some momentum, I will check with the Mods and see if we need this to be a sticky--don't know at this point.

Reference Friendly Providers -- Austin, Texas

Alphabetic list of Ladies who I know to have vouched for me in recent past (If I have inadvertently missed someone, sorry but please drop me a PM to be added. Hobbyists often don't know exactly who may have vouched for them as references.):

Alana kay



Its Britt

Kendal Clarkson


Kayla Star 69

Madysen Rae/Daddy's Girl ATX


Alphabetic list of Ladies who have indicated they are Reference Friendly (I will merge this list with the list above as we get additional names.):


DallasRain Often Visits Austin



Ladies and Gentlemen: Please let me now if you have someone who you would like to be added to this list, if you would like something changed on the list, or if a lady wishes to be removed from the list.

I plan to periodically review thread postings and any PMs received to update/expand this list.

General comments on this thread are solicited. Please limit to ATX ladies or those ladies who often visit Austin.

I am also reference friendly.. "Principles before personalities"... Our safety and security should always be first and foremost.. I respond in a timely fashion because it's the responsible thing to do..
I'm glad to see this post in coed.... I keep track of who responds (big shout out to Charlee for her amazing TCB!!! And perfume lol )and who doesn't( u know who u are.. And guess what.. Even though I think ur a cuntface..I'd still respond to a ref if u asked..)
References are a fundamental part of our business and should be treated as such...not "hey beautiful girly, can I get a ref for johnnybigdick? Xoxox".. Im not fucking u or paying your bills.. I'm certainly not gonna kiss ur ass to get a ref, so don't bother pretending like u give a fuck about me either. Screening should be taken seriously... Our lives depend on it.... I wish others would see it that way...
Well said Eryn.

Yup, me too.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I normally try to respond to reference requests within a couple of hours.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Some ladies who have been very ref friendly to me who haven't already responded :

Daddy's girl
Temptation Tammie
Mia Christine
Victoria Columbari
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I live in Houston, but visit Austin frequently.

I am reference friendly.

Gents, if you have seen me within a 6 month period, feel free to give the ladies a link to my profile.

(You all already know I am extremely private, so for Pete's sake, do not give out my phone number. Lol)

Update #2 to "Who are the Austin Reference-Friendly Providers????"

Ladies/Gentlemen: Please add Provider Handles for the list below (with embedded Showcase Links) of ATX Reference-Friendly Providers.

Ladies, if you do not wish for your name to appear on this list let me know and I will remove it. Once we reach some momentum, I will check with the Mods and request this thread be a sticky--don't know when at this point.

Gentlemen: Please do NOT share PRIVATE phone numbers when requesting Provider References--only share numbers that ladies have publicly posted or agreed that you may specifically share with other Providers.

Alphabetic List of Reference Friendly Providers -- Austin, Texas
Alana kay




DallasRain Often Visits Austin



GenesisNicole Often Visits Austin


Its Britt


Kayla Star 69

Kendal Clarkson

Daddy's Girl ATX/Madysen Rae

Mia Christine






Victoria Columbari


Ladies and Gentlemen -- Please let me know:
* if someone should like to be added to this list,

* if something should be changed on the list, or

* if a someone should be removed from the list.
I plan to periodically review postings to this thread and any PMs received to update/expand this list. General comments on this thread are solicited. Please limit submissions to ATX ladies or those ladies who often visit ATX.
