Want to talk about Dumb Ass Fucks?

ThrillBill88's Avatar
Then you must be talking about the United States Supreme Court..
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 06-28-2012, 09:53 AM

I would say John Roberts just re-elected Obama.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Ah... What's the matter? Gonna pick up your toys and go home now...

"Mommy! The big bad SCOTUS is making people buy insurance!!! Wah! Wah!! "

That's okay lil' Thrillbill. Come here to Mommy. It's not that bad, son. The State of Texas already forces us to buy car insurance because it's for our own protection."

Moved to proper Forum

Actually it is now a tax. So what happened to Obama saying he was not gonna tax people making under 250K.
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
Obama was supposed to give us all some free money!
You Conservatives make me laugh. It was just fine when that $46 billion in unpaid medical expenses and $1000 a year in insurance premium hikes was coming out of your paychecks every year. Now that the government is finally going to shift that burden to the individual and employer you bitch and complain? This bill is a Conservative's wet dream, but you think it's the end of the world...why? Because the Black Muslim is the one taking credit for it.

This should from now on be known as TPS, or Tea Party Syndrome. It was perfectly fine while Bush was setting record deficits and spending us off a cliff, but the minute the Black Muslim needed to spend a few bucks to fix his mistakes, suddenly there's an entire movement of trailer trash who failed American History screaming "FOUL!".

Go back to your trailers now, nothing to see here. Let us crazy liberals actually fix the economy, and you Conservatives can go back to worrying about important things like, if pizza is a vegetable, and painting US Army logos on race cars.
BenDover4it's Avatar
Hope and change did not promise any money. Just hope and some change.
Well FShard you liberals make me a conservative want to shoot ever damn liberal out there. This would save all of us a shit ton of money. Unfortunately if I did they would lock me up and throw away the key.

I think someone in another thread said well we all have to pay car insurance. Well it is a choice to have a car. We now have to pay a tax just to live period on everything.
You Conservatives make me laugh. It was just fine when that $46 billion in unpaid medical expenses and $1000 a year in insurance premium hikes was coming out of your paychecks every year. Now that the government is finally going to shift that burden to the individual and employer you bitch and complain? This bill is a Conservative's wet dream, but you think it's the end of the world...why? Because the Black Muslim is the one taking credit for it. Oh Bull shit! This burden is now on all of us. Did you not hear the ruling??? It is now gonna be a tax on the individual and the employer. I am sick of the fucking race card shit.

This should from now on be known as TPS, or Tea Party Syndrome. It was perfectly fine while Bush was setting record deficits and spending us off a cliff, but the minute the Black Muslim needed to spend a few bucks to fix his mistakes, suddenly there's an entire movement of trailer trash who failed American History screaming "FOUL!".

This fucker has topped Bush on spending. I did not like it when Bush was spending money and I do not like the spending Obummer is doing.

Go back to your trailers now, nothing to see here. Let us crazy liberals actually fix the economy, and you Conservatives can go back to worrying about important things like, if pizza is a vegetable, and painting US Army logos on race cars. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
You crazy liberals have not done shit to fix the economy if anything you are slowing it down. With this new tax it will do nothing but slow down growth.

F I sell supplemental insurance to small businesses and none of them are in a growth mode. They are all sitting back waiting on what they are gonna be forced to do by this health care law. I walk into to about 50 businesses a week in Austin. Most of them are just gonna pay the fine instead of providing the insurance for employees. The good thing for me is what I sell is voluntary benefits so it does not affect me. So you can post all these bullshit sites to try and prove you are right. It still does not change the fact that you are wrong. How I know is I hear it face to face with business owners everyday.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
You Conservatives make me laugh. It was just fine when that $46 billion in unpaid medical expenses and $1000 a year in insurance premium hikes was coming out of your paychecks every year. Now that the government is finally going to shift that burden to the individual and employer you bitch and complain? This bill is a Conservative's wet dream, but you think it's the end of the world...why? Because the Black Muslim is the one taking credit for it. Oh Bull shit! This burden is now on all of us. Did you not hear the ruling??? It is now gonna be a tax on the individual and the employer. I am sick of the fucking race card shit.
Stop believing everything Fox News tells ya. Read the ruling and you'll see that the impetus for supporting the argument over the individual mandate was akin to Congress exercising its authority to tax citizens. If you have insurance, then don't worry about it. The penalites associated with it are against those that choose not to insure their workforce, employees, etc. Anybody that's been in hard labor understands that insurance isn't a benefit yet the risks are greater for injury, and if you get hurt on the job while performing your job then that person is shit out of luck.

I walk into about 50 businesses a week in Austin. Most of them are just gonna pay the fine instead of provding the insurance for employees.
Therein lies the problem; irresponsible business owners that choose profit over the well-being of their employees that help them make that profit. How much money can a business make when their employees call-in sick, get injured on the job, suffer from other illnesses and ailments and can't afford to get healthcare?
Stop believing everything Fox News tells ya. Read the ruling and you'll see that the impetus for supporting the argument over the individual mandate was akin to Congress exercising its authority to tax citizens. If you have insurance, then don't worry about it. The penalites associated with it are against those that choose not to insure their workforce, employees, etc. Anybody that's been in hard labor understands that insurance isn't a benefit yet the risks are greater for injury, and if you get hurt on the job while performing your job then that person is shit out of luck.

Therein lies the problem; irresponsible business owners that choose profit over the well-being of their employees that help them make that profit. How much money can a business make when their employees call-in sick, get injured on the job, suffer from other illnesses and ailments and can't afford to get healthcare? Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke

The ER doesn't turn people away number one. The reason small business owners do not offer health insurance is because most only make enough money to pay the employees and just keep themselves afloat. It is not that they don't want to offer it. I do not think you understand how many small businesses are less than 10 employees.

The ruling not from Fox News which is you liberals catch all phrase if you say anything negative about your Savior Obummer came from the supreme court.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-29-2012, 02:02 PM
Want to talk about some REAL dumb ass fucks?


I think these folks win the grand prize.

The only ones dumber would be those who swear they're moving to Mexico because they're afraid Obama's going to pass gun control.
Let's not try and fool anyone both parties want gun control. Canada is not any better. Maybe Switzerland.

It is a tax and you will probably see higher unemployment in the future once it is in full force.