Girls' Night Out with Magic Mike?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Some of us ladies have been talking about getting together for a Girls Night Out, and I thought what better way to start the eve than see this movie with half naked Hollywood hunks gyrating for our entertainment. Any ladies interested in going as a group, maybe Wednesday night before or after hitting Happy Hour at a pub? I can't go tonight, darn it.

Any fellows who wish to accompany us have be shirtless and look like Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, or Adam Rodriquez, and expect to be used and abused later by drunk, horny women.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Any fellows who wish to accompany us have be shirtless and look like Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, or Adam Rodriquez, and expect to be used and abused later by drunk, horny women. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
How about those guys who look like a modern day Ron Jeremy without the mustache and a much smaller dick?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Since Wednesday is the 4th of July, I won't be able to make it ... I have plans with the family. I hope you ladies have a great time.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Heck, I forgot! Wednesday being Independence Day, we might have to pick another night for hot hormonal fireworks.
Dayna Love's Avatar
sounds like fun..
I'm in just let me know when...
I am in also! Let me know what you decide Fancy..

We could do it Sat... on MY Bday!! Oh, my... 30+4 ....

Keep me posted ladies.
Saw this movie last night. It was surreal being literally the only dude in a theatre full of horny women. You ladies are gonna love this movie.

And guys, don't be too "no homo" to check it out. There is actually a compelling story beneath all the man candy. It really is a great film.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Not enough Matt McC for my taste. Otherwise 3.5/5
The Chronicle had a couple of local Chippendale's guys see the movie and they said a lot of it is spot on to what it's like in that world.

Ladies, I hope that you have a great time and I envy the guy who's man enough to be around you after you see it.

BTW, Fancy, please write a review. I know any review YOU write will be hilarious.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I may be able to join, as you are all my favorite ladies and heaven knows we need a night out, ha, ha and DEAR_JOHN, it would be an honor to have you join & finally meet you. :)

I actually do want to see this film and am sure its at least (outside of the eye candy for the ladies) a decent film. It's directed by Steven Soderbergh whose directed or produced some very great films in the past.
I'm thinking FUCK YA!!! Hope I can make it
Dayna Love's Avatar
If any one u hoooker dont drive let me know...Ill come get u...lets party..
Fancyinheels's Avatar
It's looking like the Fourth of July is not going to be a good night for this, so let's try to coordinate schedules for another time. Perhaps Saturday? We all know that that our priorities have to sometimes be green instead of red, white, blue, and hot for a Magic Mike.