Did I do something very wrong

PussyShark's Avatar
I was wondering if my fellow hobbiers could help me out with something. I set an appointment with a provider a few days in advance and even the day of we confirmed early in the day for a late evening appointment. We had been texting back and forth most of the day and I even tried to get in to see her earlier if she was available. About an hour before our scheduled appointment I had something come up that I couldn't get out of attending (work stuff) I texted her and told her I had to cancel and that I was very sorry and would like to try again the next time she is back in town. She told me that she would never see me again and that she couldn't afford to make the trip to begin with. She had posted on provider ads her schedule of when and where she would be and when she would be in town. thats how I knew she would be around. She made it seem like it was my fault she couldn't afford coming out here. My question is did I do something wrong or what. I wish I could have let her know sooner but it was just a last minute thing I had to go and take care of for work. I know there are plenty of providers out there but I don't want to get a reputation of someone who cancels last minute. Any input would be good to know. Thanks
Things happen. Its called life. I've had tons of cancellations and never have I got disappointed. I've had to cancel or reschedule many times. She may have had a bad trip. Which that happens as well to some providers. Don't beat yourself over it. Just make sure to maybe not cancel on another provider anytime soon. Happy hobbying
PussyShark's Avatar
Thanks just wanted to be sure I didn't break some unwritten rule. I didn't want to cancel I had been looking forward to seeing her again but like you said life happens. I wont worry about it anymore and I will not schedule an appointment unless Im sure I can make it thanks
john_deere's Avatar
she's just frustrated and taking it out on you, which is understandable since there are plenty of dipshits who treat these girls as if their time has no value. on the other hand…there's no excuse for acting like an asshole towards someone who has done their best to make an appointment happen.

some hookers have a way of playing the victim in situations like this. just always do your best to treat them with respect and when one starts getting silly, just blow her off. there are plenty of others who don't.
PussyShark's Avatar
thanks John_Deere I appreciate the advice and I always treat these ladies with kindness and respect (like I treat everyone else) you are probably right. I will just chalk it up to STUFF HAPPENS and find another gal that I enjoy seeing.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
Hun, she shouldn't have taken it out on you. Just be sure to be honest and let anyone you schedule with know if there is any slim chance you could have other demands pop up. One thing that all hobbyist should be doing, if you cancel last minute, pay the girl at least a 50.00 cancellation fee. It might not be your fault, but it's not hers either and your canceling just cost her bill money. That will go a long way to avoid hurt feelings and bad things said.
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
I have ever had to cancel 3 times. I did it as soon as I realized it would not work and did it as nicely and with as much info as I could. Some were not too happy. But I have been canceled on by providers many times more and some NCNS where I was just left sitting in my car. Things happens. Just treat people nicely and be honest.
Thickwhitegirl's Avatar
What an ass. Don't call the ladies hookers.
WW1flyingAce's Avatar
What an ass. Don't call the ladies hookers. Originally Posted by Thickwhitegirl
DocHolyday's Avatar
It happens. If you had a legitimate reason to cancel, explain to the lady your situation and do what you need to do. Don't let someone put a guilt trip on you. RW issues take priority over HW issues. Cancellations are part of this business, so is playing people. Don't get played.
Sexy Miss Lacie's Avatar
I was canceled on the other day I was a irritated about it bc we spoke for days but when came time he never replied you did you part and explained so that isn't your fault things come up you did right the one that canceled on me did wrong by no response there is a difference you're not wrong you did right
Celestedoll915's Avatar
Life happens..im sure your over thinking it ..dont be so hard on yourself
What an ass. Don't call the ladies hookers. Originally Posted by Thickwhitegirl
Depending on how much class the provider shows she has, hooker is sometimes being gracious.
PussyShark's Avatar
Thank you all for your comments and advice I just wanted to be sure I had not done something really wrong. She did take it out on me but no big deal there are lots of lovely providers out there that will be more then willing to understand if I have to cancel. Thanks again everyone. Happy Hobbying
john_deere's Avatar
What an ass. Don't call the ladies hookers. Originally Posted by Thickwhitegirl
number one… i'll call you whatever the fuck I want to call you.

number two… i'll especially call you a hooker if you are in fact a hooker. it's only an insult if you decide it is. that's your choice. i don't consider it derogatory.

on the other hand, if i called you a whore… that's a different story.