Carpool to Canada

Anyone wanna carpool to Canada to see how's the grass on the other side?
The grass is greener, softer, more lush and cheaper.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
errrr last time I went. The young female broader guards on both sides seemed to have the same hotness in their uniform. Just be more careful telling that to the ones on the USA side LOL

oh crap, your talking past the broader taint ya errrrr see post #2
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-22-2014, 06:04 PM
First order of business would be dibs on Frankie.

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Do you have a trunk?
Do you have a trunk? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
JC ,

Do they have a problem with people with driving offenses even if you come across as a passenger? That is pretty prickish.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
JC ,

Do they have a problem with people with driving offenses even if you come across as a passenger? That is pretty prickish. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
I know a guy that can't even as a passenger with his 20 years ago DWimpaired

yet let a USA provider in all the time for a ops on working in Canada
talk about hard time getting back in the USA
ok mam, why did they have you in jail for a week
then drove you to the broader dumping you here
and sayin "here, you can have her back eh"
Guest042416's Avatar
jc would not get in, they still gonna run his data and check.

ng for jc in Canada
And yet we let Bieber in. That's just criminal.
Guest042416's Avatar
Yea we do, that boy annoys me
Plastic Man's Avatar
anyone ever shit in a trunk before the border cross? or shit your pants before airport security? ... start shitting your pants before those tsa nazis lay their hands on you to get the last laugh on them
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 02-22-2014, 07:58 PM
Damn I could have used this carpooling service back when I was in Buffalo.
I know a guy that can't even as a passenger with his 20 years ago DWimpaired Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Also know a buddy banned for that same reason! Being a passenger does no good because they scan all people in vehicles now.

Up North they really get bent out of shape on drinking violations!
Up North you have to also watch out for summertime random LE sobriety checkpoints at night. LE used to set one up midway between Sundowner and Penthouse SC. They even had 'LE chase cruisers' set at the ready, for those attempting to do U-turns to avoid being checked!
mad469s's Avatar
The "Driving Offenses" are kinda hit and miss with the Border Patrol on the other side of the river, I've gotten 2 DWAI's in the 80's and I was asked once if I've ever been arrested for DWI, I denied it and I was never questioned about it again. Hell, I've even taken commercial vehicles in and outta Canada several times with NO problems.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
JC ,

Do they have a problem with people with driving offenses even if you come across as a passenger? That is pretty prickish. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Yes, I was very fortunate the way I found out because they make whoever you're with go back too. So if it had been four guys going to golf, or had tickets to an event, I'd have fucked up a few peoples' day. Just a beach trip ruined. I walked across before, really tempted to try since but they said if I did they'd arrest me. But I know not all of them swipe the ID, so it's tempting, but high risk. Go Sweden.