Calling all Ice Tea Lovers...... Free Tomorrow

Its Free Iced Tea tomorrow at LaMadeleines all day Long.

Get you some and Enjoy in this hot weather.

Hey! A Chicken Caesar Salad & a Free Iced Tea sounds like a tasty lunch idea to me......thanks for the tip, Miss Evans.
tom51's Avatar
  • tom51
  • 08-27-2014, 11:22 PM
Its Free Iced Tea tomorrow at LaMadeleines all day Long.

Get you some and Enjoy in this hot weather.

Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Tara only you would post about the free iced tea LOL as you quench any man's thirst!!! Been awhile I need to come by for some refreshments!!!
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-02-2014, 12:13 PM
Free Tea is usually the best way to have some old lady start swinging a bible at your head, in my past experience.
doug_dfw's Avatar
I can't find Madeline's profile or is it yours Tara??