Recent Review by Mtnmnak

I am unbelievable horrified by the latest deceit in a reviewer. I have started asking individuals if they are reviewers so that I may look at their review history as I have been burned by a few when I was too trusting, only to find that they have a negative review history.

Mtmanak called me at 3pm on a Friday afternoon begging me for an appointment that night. Claiming that he had just returned from Iraq and he wanted to spend the night with a pretty girl desperately. I explained that I just couldn't do it because I didn't have sufficient time after an appointment to ready myself in the way that I would like. Again begging me he said that it didn't matter he just wanted to spend time with me because of my review history. I then asked if he was a reviewer and he said that he wasn't.

When I arrived I was hot, tired, and probably looked more of a mess than I have for my over 100 other reviews, but to claim that my pictures are old and considerably touched up is absolutely ludicrous!! To slam my reputation based on his short sightedness and impetuous behavior is ridiculous. After this review showed up I received multiple emails asking what was up with this guy as they felt my pictures accurately portrayed me. Couple that with the fact that after I posted these new pictures many who I had seen before said that it was about time that I posted new pictures that were an accurate portrayal of me and if you read earlier reviews you will see that many had said I looked much better than my previous pics.

So after my special friends had sent me emails telling me about the TER review I attempted to try and contact mtmanak to try and find out what exactly was going on. He, of course, did not return my mail. I would think that if what he was saying was true and he had conviction in what he wrote then he would have absolutely no problem telling me that.

This experience has taught me that unless you show up looking exactly like your pictures and fresh out of bed then there will be some asshole who will use it to his advantage to make himself look like a big man. I have to wonder if his main reason for seeing me was to just try and knock me down a few pegs. Gratefully the wonderful men of Colorado who I have seen up until then and after have been wonderful to me and gracious in their reviews. I had no idea how much I appreciated them until this happened.

Unfortunately, it is sad that does not have a venue where we can write a rebuttal as other boards do. :-(

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Kimberly, you certainly do have a venue to write a rebuttal. You just did right here. Exactly the procedure as outlined in the forum guidelines
#24 - Disputed reviews will not be removed by staff unless the request is made by the thread starter. In situations such as this, the proper protocol for addressing a review in question is to post a rebuttal to the review in that city forum's coed discussions area. Staff will be happy to do some basic investigation to confirm the validity of such reviews, however removal will only take place when requested by the thread-starter or in extreme cases where it has been proven false, there is an admission by the reviewer that the review is indeed false, or the reviewer failed to cooperate with staff's efforts to confirm validity. In cases where a reviewer is found to have posted a review of a session which did not take place, or posted blatantly false information within a review, the reviewer will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of staff, which could lead to loss of posting privileges. Along those same lines, if the reviewed party is found to be making false or inaccurate claims to staff in an attempt to trigger staff action against a reviewer or the removal of a review, that party will also be subject to consequences, up to or including temporary or permanent loss of account access. These measures exist to preserve the integrity of the information posted in our review forums, and will be taken when these circumstances exist.
We ask that rebuttals be handled this way, in the open co-ed forums, so everyone is able to see it and participate if they have something relevant to say. I'm not quite sure how you see our procedure is different than TER, except they allow NO comments to reviews at all and if you want to rebut a review there you have to start a new thread in the discussion forums also.

FWIW, the review posted here on Eccie, in my opinion, was excellent and very complementary of you personally and of the session. I don't see it as a slam against you but more an indication that you are human like the rest of us, as you described above!
I've had a few guys promise me reviews on this site, then nothing. very frustrating..I gave up for a few months. I guess that's just the way it is.
Regardless, I don't think one bad review is going to slander your reputation. I think it's a little naive to think that everyone you see is going to be 100% satisfied. This guy is entitled to his opinion and this is a review board. Sometimes the "chemistry" just isn't there but one man's opinion isn't going to define you. Anyone else who reads that and compares it with your other reviews will likely only take it with a grain of salt.
Careful, some well known reviewers use their review status in a bad way. I refused to see a guy and he left me a bad review because I wouldn't see him and I had hell getting the review down. Just because he was a frequent reviewer. I think one bad review CAN hurt you especially when the hobbiest is trusted in the community!
As, Miss Shayla mentioned "Sometimes the "chemistry" just isn't there....."
Good luck!
thisguy23's Avatar
I know reviews are important but for myself I wont let one bad review beside many great ones effect my decision. Keep your head up and have a great night.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Careful, some well known reviewers use their review status in a bad way. I refused to see a guy and he left me a bad review because I wouldn't see him and I had hell getting the review down. Just because he was a frequent reviewer. I think one bad review CAN hurt you especially when the hobbiest is trusted in the community!
As, Miss Shayla mentioned "Sometimes the "chemistry" just isn't there....."
Good luck! Originally Posted by rump shaker
I know reviews are important but for myself I wont let one bad review beside many great ones effect my decision. Keep your head up and have a great night. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Exactly right! In fact I am much more skeptical if a lady doesn't have at least one less than stellar review somewhere along the line. There is simply no way that every meeting is going to be absolutely perfect with that perfect connection that generates an awesome review. No one is that good of an actress.
Wow.i cannot believe that kind of thing has to happen.we have feelings too.we ave bad days just like everyone else ,and dont let one meanie get you down!!!!!im positice u have.a ton of fans....