I am done with board

i will continue to put ad's up here, but other than that will not participate here. mods, feel free to ban me for what i'm gonna say, and at this point i don't even care (and that's not how i wanted to phrase that). i am tired of the bs, gossip & petty shit on here. i do not need to deal with being told to "watch my mouth", referred to as a "shill" or told that i am a "stupid bitch" and everything else disgruntled members have felt the need to say to me. there is enough headache involved with my work, and unfortunately eccie has become a headache as well.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You can set up to not get PM from the few that would do this kind of thing I beleive. Or you can report to mod some of the real bad actors. I have many lurkers that PM me. Back on the old board A few had to be, well lets just say I got them to leave me alone. I can be a real ass if you want me to. It was only a few. most are welcome!
Nikki ur awsome...nuff said...To all disgruntled members suck it! There they can ban me for sticking up for you
  • m2244
  • 10-05-2010, 10:25 AM
nikki....just hang in there i know exactly how you are feeling.......dont go away on us though...i thought about that but all that will do is prove the ones doing that stuff right.......your great so who cares what the random few have to say muah
elghund's Avatar
It does seem that there are a few.....shall we say, JERKS....that seem to keep this board from being fun, sometimes.....

Nikki, don't let those jerks keep you away. It looks like you aren't the first lady that has been targeted, and it's a shame that the very people that we want to communicate with are being forced away from here by those gameplayers.

That's what they want.....to stop you from communicating. Don't let them win.......take OSD's advise and put them on IGNORE if you can , or report those that are abusive. But, don't leave.

Don't let them win.


PS...sorry for the namecalling, Mods....it was as bland of a name as I could come up with....I really wanted to use DIFFERENT words for those that chase the ladies away....
i have reported some...and not a damn thing was done on multiple occasions!
elghund's Avatar
i have reported some...and not a damn thing was done on multiple occasions! Originally Posted by naughtynikki84
That sucks, then. Big time.

You know, I always "lurked" on the "old board".....and once I started here, I was encouraged by the participation of many providers here.....and started to enter the discussions. And then the jerks arrived.

China left, and now you might leave....because of some nutcases. Sucks, if you ask me.

How better to get to know someone (hobbyist or provider), than by having a DIALOGUE before meeting......or determining if you SHOULD meet!
Too bad some jokerss are hurting those of us that want nothing more than to have some fun...and meet some new people to enjoy.

Not to harrass.

Hang in there.....do NOT let them win. I am certain that you have many friends here.


PS...For the General Info of those who care....don't label me a "White Knight" yet....I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Nikki in person.....but if some guys are chasing providers away from participation, I'm liable to get a real hard case of White-knightism on.....


offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm it is one way to tell who not to see, or never again.
Nikki, this board benefits from the free exchange of ideas among hobbyists and providers. Unfortunately, it is also a microcosm of the real world, with saints and devils and various people in between. I am sorry that you feel the Mods have let you down. We try to promote civility but cannot guarantee 100% good behavior. I respond to every complaint addressed to me and try to act within the guidelines.

I hope that you will feel comfortable to participate at some time.
Nikki, I totally get where your coming from. Although, I haven't gotten nasty PM's, I do believe there is a lot of pettiness that goes on. It's almost best to stick to just posting ad's. This way we don't have to look at all the other BS!
  • Laker
  • 10-05-2010, 12:57 PM

Sweetie, don't leave us!! I for one have enjoyed what you have to say! Try to ignore the bad shit if you can and stay on if you will for those of us who care for you and what you have to say.

Elghund is correct, you do have many friends here!! You have an infectious sense of humor that has made many of us smile and you are a good lady!!
WTF! Do people have nothing better to do than to harass the women on here. Incredible. These people should have their PM privileges revoked. If you don't agree with someone, there is no reason for petty name calling.
For many of the providers here, this is their livelihood. They have families to support and certainly don't need to be subject to the drama and crass behavior of others. Isn't the whole point of this board, E.C.C.I.E. (Escort Client Community Information Exchange), is to be a supportive environment for providers and hobbyists. And one by one providers are leaving. What's wrong here?
Hang in there Nikki.

Don't go! I haven't even met you yet.

actually some of those comments were made to me by fellow providers, so it's not all the guys here to blame
cravenmorehead's Avatar
actually some of those comments were made to me by fellow providers, so it's not all the guys here to blame Originally Posted by naughtynikki84
They must be real jealous.