I'm one of those righties! It's OK I know it's a term of endearment.
What is going on in Haiti is tragic and for Rush to politicize it is appalling.
However, I prefer to make my own decisions as to who I give my money to. I don't want it taken from me by this corrupt government to pay off Senators for votes or given to other corrupt governments. I think that is the political statement that Rush was making also. Poor Timing to say the least.
There are many other charities that will be much more efficient at providing relief on a personal level. On the larger level, I don't think that the charities have the kind of resources that are needed in a catastophe as bad as this.
They can't go in and rebuild the airport or bring in a hospital ship with the kind of efficiency that our military has.
I am glad to see so many other countries helping out.
With all that being said,
Pat Robertson is the real idiot. He said that the Haitians had this coming because they sold their souls to the devil in order to get away from French Occupation. That is just stupid. I've heard some "lefties (Term of endearment) make reference to Rush's remarks and Pat Robertson's remarks in the same breath somehow inferring that they are similar. I think that is also a form of politicizing.
Booth, don't be so thin skinned about the "useless thread" remark. It's been going around. Just read Co-ed.