
  • Booth
  • 01-15-2010, 08:40 AM
Would any of you admit in public that you agree with Rush regarding Haiti? He is opposed to donating money to aid earthquake victims because he believes we already give Haiti too much money. Agree or disagree?

I noticed that in the global warming thread started by His Holiness one of the righties referred to it as a useless thread. Without 2Dogs here to protect the more extreme right wing positions I suspect we'll see a greater diversity of opinion than we saw on the old P board and those who are only interested in one point of view (theirs) are going to be disappointed by the number of "useless" threads.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Did you actually hear Rush say that? Or did you just read what the Huffington Post said he said?

For what it's worth, I caught a brief snippet of an overwrought woman caller bitching him out for what she read in the Huffington Post and his denial of ever saying it. I usually only listen in the car and don't do much driving, so he could have said a lot of stuff that I missed. That's why I want to know, Booth, did you actually hear him say it?

If he did it would have been as stupid as Danny Glover saying Haiti got punished for our "failure" to fix global warming in Copenhagen. Well, almost as stupid as Glover.
  • Booth
  • 01-15-2010, 09:19 AM
Did you actually hear Rush say that? Or did you just read what the Huffington Post said he said?

For what it's worth, I caught a brief snippet of an overwrought woman caller bitching him out for what she read in the Huffington Post and his denial of ever saying it. I usually only listen in the car and don't do much driving, so he could have said a lot of stuff that I missed. That's why I want to know, Booth, did you actually hear him say it?

If he did it would have been as stupid as Danny Glover saying Haiti got punished for our "failure" to fix global warming in Copenhagen. Well, almost as stupid as Glover. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Don - I don't get my information from HP but must admit I did not hear him say that we should not donate money to earthquake victims. I did hear him make light of our president's response and I heard him say that we give plenty of money to Haiti through our income taxes. He also said that any money sent to Haiti would end up in the wrong hands. While he did not come out and say "don't give money to Haiti" the inference was clear.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
the inference was clear. Originally Posted by Booth

"He is opposed to donating money to aid earthquake victims because he believes we already give Haiti too much money."

Maybe you should listen closer to the link provided by Scal. He was obviously talking about giving money to the corrupt government of Haiti. You do not hear him say "don't give money to earthquake victims."

I also don't believe DH was referring to my post as the one being "useless"

What's the deal with you left wing nut jobs? Everytime you get your ass kicked in the polls ( Massachusetts 50-46 this morning...the 41st vote against Obama Care in Ted Kennedys hm state) it is always followed by some misquote or lie about Rush or Sara Palin. Is this all you got?

I guess after record cold temperatures not seen since 1966 your little brains are too frozen to think rationally.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I did hear him make light of our president's response and I heard him say that we give plenty of money to Haiti through our income taxes. He also said that any money sent to Haiti would end up in the wrong hands. Originally Posted by Booth
As an unofficial Obama criticizer I must say the Haiti response, so far at least, is one of the few things he got right. Here's why: he sent our military, the fustest with the mostest regarding priority needs: rescue, security, pure water.

www.rushlimbaugh.com has the transcript...he said that money sent to Haiti THROUGH government would be a lot less effective than money sent through private organizations. Except for our military response, I agree completely with that statement. World Vision, Salvation Army (their online contribution server crashed yesterday), Food for the Poor will spend more like 93 cents of every buck for actual disaster relief, whereas governmental aid might get 30 cents of bang for each buck. World Concern keeps boots on the ground in Haiti and is worth considering in my opinion.

It's not helpful to perpetuate the lie that Rush opposes aid to the poor bastards in Haiti who've been doubly hammered by horrible governance AND natural disaster; au contraire, the headline portion of his website is devoted to Haiti earthquake news and disaster relief. Go take a peek.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Without 2Dogs here to protect the more extreme right wing positions I suspect we'll see a greater diversity of opinion than we saw on the old P board and those who are only interested in one point of view (theirs) are going to be disappointed by the number of "useless" threads. Originally Posted by Booth

Really? Did he ever silence you?

I think just about anyone you participated in that forum would strongly disagree with your marks. As a matter of fact I recall bigtex praising the job that 2D's did.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Aight! So I hope every mutt what posts on this thread sends $$$ to help those benighted folks, even the tightwad libs who are always happy to send somebody else's filthy lucre (as opposed to their own precious, hard earned wages).
boardman's Avatar
I'm one of those righties! It's OK I know it's a term of endearment.

What is going on in Haiti is tragic and for Rush to politicize it is appalling.

However, I prefer to make my own decisions as to who I give my money to. I don't want it taken from me by this corrupt government to pay off Senators for votes or given to other corrupt governments. I think that is the political statement that Rush was making also. Poor Timing to say the least.

There are many other charities that will be much more efficient at providing relief on a personal level. On the larger level, I don't think that the charities have the kind of resources that are needed in a catastophe as bad as this.
They can't go in and rebuild the airport or bring in a hospital ship with the kind of efficiency that our military has.

I am glad to see so many other countries helping out.

With all that being said, Pat Robertson is the real idiot. He said that the Haitians had this coming because they sold their souls to the devil in order to get away from French Occupation. That is just stupid. I've heard some "lefties (Term of endearment) make reference to Rush's remarks and Pat Robertson's remarks in the same breath somehow inferring that they are similar. I think that is also a form of politicizing.

Booth, don't be so thin skinned about the "useless thread" remark. It's been going around. Just read Co-ed.
  • Booth
  • 01-15-2010, 10:11 AM
Really? Did he ever silence you? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No, he merely suggested I go elsewhere. CK is the one who ultimately silenced me and it was absolutely political.

I also don't believe DH was referring to my post as the one being "useless" Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He didn't refer to any post in particular - his comment was about the thread itself. I don't think it went the way he had hoped.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hey Booth. If you want to bash someone for saying stupid things about Haiti I'll join you if you want to talk about Pat Robertson.
notanewbie's Avatar
I have a hard time sending $$ to a country with no government.

You hav tu admite you mis 2Dogs.
I have a hard time sending $$ to a country with no government.

You hav tu admite you mis 2Dogs. Originally Posted by notanewbie
so you've turned against Afghan occupation?

2Dogs is at Home2 I hear.
so... anyone else send some texts to 90999? Text the word "Haiti" and it'll send $10 (added to your phone bill) to the Red Cross
I did that a few times today.
Wish I could do more, but I'm sure most of ya know I'm not playing around here near Ft Campbell.
notanewbie's Avatar
so you've turned against Afghan occupation?

2Dogs is at Home2 I hear. Originally Posted by Scalawag

I am not taking the bait on the first one, my point is only donate to a Red Cross or similar (semi accountable) type organization.

And yes good ole 2Dogs is at H2.