Cincinnati Reds Player Tommy Pham Suspended for a Bitch Slap

Chung Tran's Avatar

He ''Will Smith'd'' an opposing player over a NFL Fantasy Football move. Childish as fuck.

So how did a Black Guy get a Vietnamese last name? Here is how...

Pham's black Grandfather was a US Soldier, who knocked up a Vietnamese Whore during his Call of Duty in the late 60's. A Mixed Son was born, Pham's Father. Who naturally took Mom's name, as His Soldier Dad was gone. The Mom and Son (and extended family) moved to the US after a few years. Pham's Dad became a drug-dealer, constantly jailed, but as a teenager knocked up a black teen, who birthed Tommy. Tommy took his Dad's last name, but has met his derelict Dad just twice.. Both times while Dad was in jail. Tommy is thus 75% Black with a Vietnamese Surname. He has a Twin Sister, but the only Man involved in his life was a step-dad, a Dude his Mom married when Tommy was 9, a Man Tommy hates and accused of stabbing him in the eye.

Given his family history, a Bitch Slap is tame. Guys with his background often live a full life as a Loser.
ben dover's Avatar
Over a Fantasy game.. Real nice.