Anyone know her

She’s been posting in Midessa for quite a while. I was thinking of taking the plunge, so I asked about her and the discussion basically came down to her being a bit nervous and sketchy, so the fella ended up walking. Maybe you’ll have better luck, but keep your spidey senses on alert. I believe the pics are her tho.
kyleresse's Avatar
Same I talked with her before tired to get some confirmation she was legit but she wouldn’t, tried to FaceTime Or somthing but she said she couldn’t so I didn’t bite the bullet
Thanks for the info
Y'all thinking affiliated with police or a setup to rob you?
Y'all thinking affiliated with police or a setup to rob you?
Naw, I don’t think so. But I’ve been wrong before. IMO? She’s new (if you can consider her posting nearly a year new and no reviews), has a B/F and are into things that are unmentionable. Either way, I’d stay away. At least for now until there’s better info.
Good call. Thanks again
chief79's Avatar
She been posting in in 325 still no contact