Is it just me?... Presidential candidates really a smokescreen?

Sensational Stacey's Avatar
Hey there! Now I'm not trying to start a riot, however I've got an opinion is like to express and it happens to be on presidential candidates being a smokescreen! Is it just me, or does it seem a little more important to worry about the 30+Yr terms of our congressmen, rather than the outrageously difficult decision were faced with picking presidential candidates? To me it seems like a big smokescreen to get the attention away from the real ruling powers.... But like I said.. Maybe it's just me!!
I wish our Congress was that clever and organized.
PeterBota's Avatar
What would I know. I'm just a deplorable that spends my hard EARNED money on hookers. Long Live TRUMP
Grace Preston's Avatar
Political parties are always an odd duck on whore boards.

On the one hand-- from a fiscal standpoint, it would make sense for most board members to be Republican.

On the other hand-- from a social standpoint, it would seem that the majority of board members would gravitate towards Democrat.

It really is an interesting conundrum. Sadly, the odds of getting term limits on Senate and Congress is damn near zero-- since they'd have to vote in that measure themselves.. and who wants to vote themselves out of a job?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Sadly, the odds of getting term limits on Senate and Congress is damn near zero-- since they'd have to vote in that measure themselves.. and who wants to vote themselves out of a job? Originally Posted by GracePreston
we have the power to vote them out, no need for term limits.. besides, if you turn over your Congressmen too often, you will never get a Committee Chairman from your District, or positions on key Committees (like Ways and Means).. which are predicated largely on seniority.

President is more important, especially in the current environment, where Congress does next to nothing, and cedes its authority to the Executive Branch.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I re-read George Orwell's 1984 again , and wow you may be right. ( I didn't understand the book in high school )
  • MRMR
  • 10-05-2016, 10:33 PM
Supreme Court!!
Liberalism is a bad social disease. Get the CDC on it immediately before it infects the country and fucks us all!!!

It may be a true mental disorder.
I think we should just get rid of this ridiculous two party system which just seems like two sides of the same corrupt coin. I want to see a third party finally get some national attention. Such as, Gary Johnson Libertarian Party 2016
Supreme Court!! Originally Posted by MRMR

Chung Tran's Avatar
I want to see a third party finally get some national attention. Such as, Gary Johnson Libertarian Party 2016 Originally Posted by roguegent
Johnson has all but disappeared.. he was given a chance, and he fucked it up.. Ross Perot did the same.

Trump is basically a third party candidate. you have a chance to get on the Trump Train, it will take you to places you never knew existed.. the haters will insert their joke here, like "yeah, the darkest dungeon".

but if the elimination of the 2 party-system corruption is a major goal, Trump is your chance.
pyramider's Avatar
Its a shame that both major party candidates are pathological liars.
IMHO, MEN have fucked this country up enough, and that includes the senate and congress. They don’t want change; they don’t want to pass a bill for change.

It’s time for a WOMAN to step up and take HER place in the white house; not only as our next president but, in the senate and congress too.

^^^^ This is the most powerful speech that I have ever heard, and I hope that after Hillary Clinton’s term is over; Michelle Obama run’s next.


Tyrannodex's Avatar
Men??? Wasn't Condoleeza Rice Secretary of State during Bush awful reign? Hilary already got us in war with Syria before she even ran for president. Let's be honest, women are irrational and emotionally unstable, you think they can be trusted with Nuclear codes. And the candidate isn't even a good woman at that. Hilary is a crook, a liar, she's for sale to the highest bidder. She's covered up all the sexual misdeeds and rapes of her husband while saying she's caping for women.

Trump is incompetent, that's my only issue. Harmless, He's full of hot air and I don't know how people can think he's dangerous. His supporters on the other hand, totally different story.

This whole election was designed to make Hilary look good because everytime Trump started looking decent, he would say something stupid. They should have took his Twitter away, his campaign team failed him.

Your vote doesn't matter anyways, because the Electoral college will just vote however they want regardless of the popular vote. like in 2000.
Pappysweets's Avatar
Crooked career politicians fucked up this country both sexes men and women. Hillary Clinton is just as bad as Donald. You just have to take your pick of the two evils. Do you want Donald a sexist racist egotistical man or Hillary a two faced professional liar who thinks of her own interests before those she supposedly represent.