Facebook Group.

Delete if not allowed but there was a Facebook group created, interesting to see how far it will go before it gets shut down ???

RichardNixon's Avatar
All the more power to them but definitely not interested in discussing the hobby under my real identity. Sounds like a great place for our favorite uncle to infiltrate.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Thanks, I sent membership request. You should be able to figure out my name.
myren1900's Avatar
I would be very reluctant to join a Facebook Group about the hobby even if using a special hobby FB account. Facebook is way too skilled in connecting a RL account and a hobby account. It maybe be possible to get away with it if you are using a VPN.

trekker's Avatar
I would be very reluctant to join a Facebook Group about the hobby even if using a special hobby FB account. Facebook is way too skilled in connecting a RL account and a hobby account. It maybe be possible to get away with it if you are using a VPN.

Originally Posted by myren1900
I have had Seeking Arrangement girls show up in my "People You May Know" feed after texting with them. They had all texted me from the same phone number attached to their FB accounts. A few times it was really surprising how many mutual friends we had.
myren1900's Avatar

Same thing happened to me several years ago with two providers I had texted with then. Their FB pages showed their real names, family and friends. I just quickly removed them. After I removed access to my phone number on FB it stopped. Mixing your real life FB or twitter with hobby activity is not a good idea. I had a RL twitter and a hobby twitter account, but somehow Twitter managed to link the two even if I used a google email for the private account and an yahoo email for the hobby account. I just stopped using both.

REDROBIN66's Avatar
Yeah I know to many providers that might be in there. Some call my number and I’m sure since a couple (that I know of) are on eccie and the map, they will be in this group. Because they have Facebook accounts. This is free!! I seen a few on Facebook and I never accepted their friend request. A few that speak good English are dabbling these days. Or maybe I’m just catching on.
trekker's Avatar
I've been using Google Voice for all my hobby texting but Google and FB must be sharing data with each other for that connection to be made. Oddly, none of the girls I've talked to about the situation seemed alarmed.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Damn... I’d love love to find some AMP providers on FB...
Yeah I know to many providers that might be in there. Some call my number and I’m sure since a couple (that I know of) are on eccie and the map, they will be in this group. Because they have Facebook accounts. This is free!! I seen a few on Facebook and I never accepted their friend request. A few that speak good English are dabbling these days. Or maybe I’m just catching on. Originally Posted by REDROBIN66
I’ll get you a link to Linda’s fb lolol
Thanks for all the feedback