New review

I met a few girls on FB and want to do a review but the contact info that I have may lead to real life name. Can I do the reviews?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
for no credit leaving out real name and contact yes
lilylivered's Avatar
If you do it that way, you will have lots of PMs : )
Use a pet name and give phone # mo other contact info needed for credit
ben dover's Avatar
If you do it that way, you will have lots of PMs : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
I'm sure his PM Box is full already...
Franklin4's Avatar
pillowlips I admire you. I too (had) a few girls who were in the biz. and excepted me on FB.
but the few girls I had, are now out of the biz. im still with them on FB, but they moved on and out of that life. im def. looking for new
I have had great luck with FB over the years. 1 out of 10 will block me. 4 or 5 out of 10 are very interested but nothing happens. 3 or 4 out of 10 are crazy or donations are to high and 1 or 2 out of 10 are true gems.
so how does one find providers on FB?
so how does one find providers on FB? Originally Posted by demonlover
You beat me too it. Would love to hear how this works!
Most are just regular girls or ladies that will entertain the idea.
Just try to be nice and respectful to them.
H5678J's Avatar
Tell them to get an alternate phone number like google voice under an alternate email and a name they want to use. They will get lots of interest especially if you include spicey stuff in your ROS
Thanks for the info, but I'm still not clear on how one finds women who are open to the idea? Do you just put it in your profile? Do you search on certain keywords?
Your guidance is appreciated.
do you just randomly message them?
valkyra's Avatar
Uhhh I feel like this is pretty dumb, if you don't mind me taking a moment to explain why.

1 or 2 out of 10 are gems. And true, only some block you, some entertain the idea. My question is... What about the ones who see your profile, see your wife/kids/family, etc, and now have all of their information to contact so they can extort you?
"He hit me up on facebook trying to pay me to have sex!"
is not a headline that will go well no matter what light you shine through it

I'm not knocking it if it works for you and it worked for you in the past. But if someone was looking to get paid for sex, they'd advertise.