It's probably safe to assume this site is overrun with and/or possibly run by pimps. This list probably doesn't even scratch a scratch on the surface. As in all forms of crime, you have varying levels of sophistication, from the low budget pimp with one girl at Motel 6, Budget Suites, or whatever, to the high end pimps with multiple girl tricking out of condos, 4 to 5 star hotels, etc.....
Hell, it's the nature of the hobby to conceal and hide such things, even your favorite sweet tart may not be above the pimpage radar. Even the very elite (doctors, attorneys, college professors, etc.....) fall victim to the "ladies of the night". We shouldn't feel like we are at an advantage somehow. I've even read of cases in which a college professor was led on for 2 yrs with no indication that his mistress was pimped, until his bank account was depleted
My suggestion for anyone who feels pimping is such a major issue, is to discontinue the hobby. You never know when your contributions will go to perpetuating the pimp "problem". Plus, these hoes ain't loyal.