Motels with xxx movies

Anyone know if any motels in Houston show adult movies?

Bankshot's Avatar
None of the palace inns anymore. The crystal inns do.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
None of the palace inns anymore. The crystal inns do. Originally Posted by Bankshot
^^^^Ohhhhh You Naughy Boy...

Have you considered making your own OP? I'm sure you wouldn't have an issue finding a Participant

Have Fun and Happy Hobbying!
I didn't know crystal inns did anymore. I know all of the motels in third ward still do . I shy away from watching porn with a lady because most of my lady friends tell me I'm way better than the male porn actors so it's no need for me to have any distractions; all they need is me, aka thehobby
I think most are going away from showing XXX movies as the subscriptions cost a monthly fee for those channels. (usually they have 2-3)

For them it may be cheaper to buy some 30 dollar DVD player and mount it to the table and you bring your own.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
^^^^Ohhhhh You Naughy Boy...

Have you considered making your own OP? I'm sure you wouldn't have an issue finding a Participant

Have Fun and Happy Hobbying! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Would you mind staring in it Ms Alyssa. I’d luv to watch it.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Why would she stare in it?
Ya, have a feeling I probably will avoid motels that show adult videos on the TV.

I fit in well at Best Western, Holiday Inn, Marriott and Sheraton, but stand out at M6, Palice Inn Super 8, and other low end motels.

I will also add, if they advertise they have VCR, I will probably stand out if i see a provider at that motel.
TryWeakly's Avatar

or there's this: use your smart phone. simple. you're welcome.
I fit in well at Best Western, Holiday Inn, Marriott and Sheraton, but stand out at M6, Palice Inn Super 8, and other low end motels. Originally Posted by Fizley
Thanks for sharing that, for the 20th time. SMH
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Why would she stare in it? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
You a spell bee champ.