Kudos to Jimmy Carter and his bride for 77 years of wedding bliss

oilfieldace's Avatar
Although I wasn’t a fan of Carter as President, 17-18% interest rates, tends to leave a bitter taste. I laugh when I hear people griping about 5-6%. I bought a house at 17 1\2%, fortunately my employer paid everything over 10% the first 2 years, by that time Reagan was working his magic on the dumbass liberals
Although I wasn’t a fan of Carter as President, 17-18% interest rates, tends to leave a bitter taste. I laugh when I hear people griping about 5-6%. I bought a house at 17 1\2%, fortunately my employer paid everything over 10% the first 2 years, by that time Reagan was working his magic on the dumbass liberals Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Hahahaha, that's putting it lightly.