Don't you dare threaten me!! You picked the wrong bitch!

  • Sami
  • 01-17-2012, 05:27 PM
This guy contacted me by pm this morning wanting a appointment, now he has no post but give me 2 references.

Now I done some checking he has passed off fake 100 bills to other providers, so I declined. Now he has sent text calling me a stupid whore, to bad you couldn't slap me with your dick, threatened me to right a bad review.

Well warren2696 I am one bitch that does not take any threats, you go write your fucking review! You will not threaten me! I don't cower from a pathetic piece of shit like you! Go Fuck yourself!

Ladies pm me for more information, don't even allow this asshole any of your time!
I am sorry all of this has happened to you... Seriously though you are having a terrible week with bs clients. However, I think you showing how truly offended you are up here may be causing these idiots to contact you. In many ways by showing your aggression and anger you may be egging it on. Treat yourself to a spa day and write it off to idiots being idiots. We all deal with bs, sometimes its good to take a breath and let go. I personally love the facts, but not anger. I know you can tell me to keep my 2 cents to myself later. I am just a firm believer of not letting the job get to me.
  • Sami
  • 01-17-2012, 05:46 PM
No Charlotte I am tired of ones like this one scamming the ladies, and then threaten me. I will put them on blast. I have always got along with many here guys and gals. Yes this is out of my character this week, but both the episodes have just pissed me off. I treat people very well, but make no mistake, I will not allow people like this threaten me here or anywhere else. I posted this for the ladies safety thats what we should do. Some Don't care for others safety. I DO!!

I could have come here and beat around the bush not posting his information, but who does that help? No One..
ShysterJon's Avatar
Not to discount what happened to you, Sami, but I'm not sure this is an 'alert' -- that is, a post about something that could affect someone's safety. A threat to post a bad review doesn't seem like a threat regarding safety.
  • Sami
  • 01-17-2012, 06:03 PM
Shyster he has threatened me sending numerous text harassing me. That isn't threat? I guess if I let him come see me and he slaps me around,then this might be alert worthy?
Wow, just wow

How is this not an alert

Let me count the ways...

Passing off fake $100 bills to providers? I think its a crime to be using fake bills for anything. Isn't that against the law or something.

Threatening a provider with violence, guess thats not alert worthy either huh? Okie dokie.....had a provider or her pimp, oops "friend" did this, all hell would break loose.

Threatening a provider with a bad review? ...........okay I can see your point abit with that one, however anybody threatening fake reviews or fake info is not so great in my eyes. Again had it been a provider threatening a hobbyist with bogus alerts about him, all hell would break loose.

Also, how should one feel exactly when they are being threaten to be slapped?........jumping for joy? It ain't winning the lottery, safety is at risk. I don't know anybody happy about being slapped.

Geez, what is alert worthy around here. Death to a hobbyist or provider......
I wasnt saying that she shouldnt be upset. Hell anyone would be. All I am saying is taking a step back and unemotionally painting a picture paints a much better picture for everyone. When calm you have a fantastic opportunity to list all facts, and a clear head forgets nothing. But perhaps I am wrong. Just the same I feel for you. A crappy week is never good. Furthermore, Shyster, this is a warning, a very important one when phony money is being passed around so nicely. I dont know about anyone else but all fake cash is good for is wiping ones derriere. So thanks for the alert and it was not my intention to offend you.
  • zebra
  • 01-17-2012, 06:47 PM
You go Sami !!!!!!!!!!! Give'em hell !!!!!!!!!! Spread the word about warren2696.... We do not need this in our community...

Passing fake $ 100.00 bills & printing fake currency is a federal offense. The guys in the black suits & black SUV's Secret Service come visit you. No first hand experience but have met a few low lifes who have done this & got caught. Threatening texts are nothing to overlook either. Be aware of your surroundings
sexydiamond's Avatar
This guy contacted me by pm this morning wanting a appointment, now he has no post but give me 2 references.

Now I done some checking he has passed off fake 100 bills to other providers, so I declined. Now he has sent text calling me a stupid whore, to bad you couldn't slap me with your dick, threatened me to right a bad review.

Well warren2696 I am one bitch that does not take any threats, you go write your fucking review! You will not threaten me! I don't cower from a pathetic piece of shit like you! Go Fuck yourself!

Ladies pm me for more information, don't even allow this asshole any of your time! Originally Posted by Sami
Sami, thank you for the info.
Great White Buffalo's Avatar
Sami, sorry that guy is being disrespectful towards you. But I love that you are being assertive about the situation and informing everyone to be cautious of the individual.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 01-17-2012, 11:10 PM
Thanks Sami.................

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Sami, you did the right thing. I'm sure warren2696 will be confined to self-service hobbling for a while. Nice job.

Great info Sami ! Thanks for the heads up ! This is just the reason its so important to screen well. Sami i know you do but others would likly bitch about it with out having done the proper screening which includes more than just talking with 2 providers.
Thanks Sami, thats enough info to let any other lady using the board know he's a jerk.

Don't forget to post on the other places about this.

Again thank you!
LovingKayla's Avatar
My eyes are about to bleed. And Sami you sound like someone that I would get along with very well. lol How have we never met?