How Long Should I Wait for a Reply?

This issue has probably been discussed and I just missed it. But, anyway, I am wondering about protocol involving last minute requests and waiting to get a response from a provider. Specifically , here is what happened to me last night. I was watching the Notre Dame / Stanford football game last night and surfing Eccie ads during commercial breaks . I saw an ad that got me excited , so. I decided to send a P411 request. The ad said she would be available until 3 AM. I didn't want to send a request until after the game. It was a good game and I could not leave until it was over .If it went into overtime I would have to cancel the appointment. So, I sent an appointment request at 10:20 .I asked for an 11:30 appointment. My thinking was that if she was not busy I would get a quick response. If she was in a session I would hear from her when she was finished. I did not expect her to be sitting at home waiting for me to contact her , so , I was not disappointed when I did not get a response. I waited until midnight and went on to plan B ( my favorite spa.) Plan B started at 12:30 and lasted until 1:30. As soon as I got in my car to drive home I got a reply from plan A. She had been out and just got home. She said she could see me. I was spent and could not do another session. I felt guilty because she did respond and I was not available when she responded. I think I did something wrong here and am wondering how to better handle this situation next time. I did text her back and told her I was done for the evening and wanted to see her next week end if that was possible. I know last minute requests are hit or miss , but, I am wondering how long I should wait for a reply in a situation like this.
There are many opinions out there, but mine is if it is not a last minute session and you want to see her, do not send an appointment request on p411 until you have contacted and heard back from the provider. If it is a last minute session, the best options are either contact a provider whom you have her cell so you can text her or go with one who has an available now ad running, her replying back will be pretty much right away or she need not have that available now ad up.

When a provider has a regular ad up on Eccie, even if she says she says the days/times she is available, she may not be, but since she puts up that ad, depending upon the time the ad is placed, I would give her an hour to reply back. If she does not have an ad up, give her at the most 24 hours to respond. Some providers will balk at that, but it is a business and she is a listed provider, so she should expect guys to contact her.
Imo I don't feel you could have done anything differently...unless the provider phone number was public then maybe you could have extended a call or text to her maybe to speed up response time. If the provider set availability until 3am wouldn't it really be on her to make herself available for appointments and/or communication for scheduling? You waited almost 2 hours really before moving on to plan B. Most hobbyist are hobbying on limited time...And 2 hours after an appointment request isn't very responsive imo. Doesn't mean the provider was.wrong...because she could have been busy with another appointment already...just means most hobbyist have limited time to hobby and make contact with as much notice as they allow the provider time to respond and/or get ready for the appointment.
pyramider's Avatar
Alas, the ladies do not wait by their phones and computers for a fucktard with an itch that he wants scratched.
Alas, the ladies do not wait by their phones and computers for a fucktard with an itch that he wants scratched. Originally Posted by pyramider
Always someone chiming in...with absolutely useless comments....some things are just better left unsaid
pmdelites's Avatar
Always someone chiming in...with absolutely useless comments....some things are just better left unsaid Originally Posted by Analeese
and sometimes veteran humor missed instead of quasi-laughed at ....
Alas, the ladies do not wait by their phones and computers for a fucktard with an itch that he wants scratched. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's NOT true! We ALL sit around in our sexy lingerie, eating chocolates, sipping wine and waiting on your contact.....
pyramider's Avatar
Well, that is understandable considering the legendary status of my 1.3" of dangling death.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the only thing different I would have done, is make it clear that if you couldn't get 11:30, your hoped for session would be scuttled.. I always mention I need to hear back, yes or no, by a specific time.. that allows me to move seamlessly to plan B.
Short notice appointment attempts are always a gamble. Sometimes they can respond in time or not due to things going on in real life. The available now ad in P411 is not always an indicator they are available now...that may have taken in an appointment and the ad is still up. I am not sure how they clear it unless you have to wait for it to expire... Maybe one of the lovely gals on here could explain that further.
Short notice appointment attempts are always a gamble. Sometimes they can respond in time or not due to things going on in real life. The available now ad in P411 is not always an indicator they are available now...that may have taken in an appointment and the ad is still up. I am not sure how they clear it unless you have to wait for it to expire... Maybe one of the lovely gals on here could explain that further. Originally Posted by MILFEater
You are right on short or last minute notice appointments, even available now ads on p411 are gambles these days. I will bet that when/if a provider does get an appointment either from their available now ad or if she has something that comes up that she cannot do an appointment, she can delete her ad if it has not expired yet. In any event, it is at the minimum common courtesy to get back with each hobbyist that contacted her, even if it is to tell him "no thanks" or she cannot make it for whatever reason. I will bet the 9 times out of 10 if a provider does not want to see a guy, his references are not responding or he does not pass her screening, she ignores him and/or does not reply back to him at all to let him know this, he has to contact her again to see why she has not responded to his initial inquiry. IMO, that is bad TCB skills.
Im not advocating that you do it this way, but this is what I do. Send p411 Pm, not request. If she answers the pm, then follow up with the formal p411 request.
Im not advocating that you do it this way, but this is what I do. Send p411 Pm, not request. If she answers the pm, then follow up with the formal p411 request. Originally Posted by CaptCroakers
Im not advocating that you do it this way, but this is what I do. Send p411 Pm, not request. If she answers the pm, then follow up with the formal p411 request. Originally Posted by CaptCroakers
+1 Originally Posted by nicholas linnear

Good info guys, wish I would have thought of that. See post #2

To sum up what the OP wants to know, if she has an ad running that day, give her an hour to respond to your initial inquiry. If she does not have an ad up, give her 24 hours before moving on. Or you can do what Chung said and that is ask her to respond by a certain time and if/when she does not, move on to the next one on your list, and do not look at back if she gets back to you after you have contacted another provider other than to tell her thanks, but it is too late, maybe next time.
Thanks all. Good info. I learned a lot from this thread.