Sex with Fruit

Just passing on a fun time I had this weekend. I LOVE eating pussy, especially when it's attached to a woman that's not shy about telling me how she feels while my mouth and tongue are busy inside and on her pussy. While I was slurping up after one of her orgasms I told her I wanted to do something with her pussy. She smiled and said "Okaaaaaaaaay...what have you got in mind?" I showed her a slightly green banana and started to take the peel off. She arched her eyebrows and aimed her pussy at me. I slowly pushd all but the very end of the banana up her pussy and started sucking and eating it out of her, frequently lashing her clit with my tongue until her pussy pushed some of the fruit out (it tastes so damned good coatd with pussy juice!). She came 3 more times before I sucked the last little bit out and swallowed it.

Damn she was grateful when it came time to reciprocate!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I don't know about the banana but a friend said he would freeze a box of cherrys and stink them one at a time in his girl friends ass and lick them out,
I always thought that was a little to kinky for me, what if you ate a chocolote covered cherry.
Willen's Avatar
Strawberries can be a lot of fun as well.
Q102's Avatar
  • Q102
  • 02-01-2010, 02:31 PM
Oh man, you just reminded me of a time in New Orleans many years ago with a girl I was dating and her best friend and mine. We were in the room and our two friends were out flashing people from our 2nd story balcony. I used a banana on my little friend, along with some whipped cream. Just as I was finishing up, they two from the balcony came back in and both burst out laughing. As I looked up from between my girlfriends legs, apparently I had whipped cream smeared all over my face.

All I know, that was the most memorable piece of fruit I have ever had. Very tasty.
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
a frozen banana will cause chilling pleasure as well, would be tough to eat, but less likely to break and have to fish out...makes for a nice popsicle afterwards though!!!
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
damn all the sudden I am in the mood for a healthy snack
Guest012211-3's Avatar
[ame=""]YouTube- Lil' Internet Superstar - Episode 53 - Sex With Fruit[/ame]
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Nicole I had a girl squeeze my head and I felt almost like that watermelon. She had me in a vice and I couldn't do anything. It was fun though....she's got some strong legs. :-)
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL PT: She was squeezing your melon
I like a whole Black Diamond Watermelon.... not big on bananas.

Damn she was grateful when it came time to reciprocate! Originally Posted by txcwby6

Like this?
Wow, i love it. Got to try it.
xperiment's Avatar
LOL @ Nicole and BJ. You gals crack me up!
Mondonico's Avatar
During several sessions with my ATF I would bring fruit and honey, jam etc. During one particuliar session I had brought pineapple.

Using the pinapple as a wet nap I proceeeded to wipe her down and lick off the juices. By the time I got to the good spot she was going nuts and begging for me to put it in her pussy and eat it out.

Food can be a GREAT accessory to any session