SO...I'm Laying There..Minding My Own Business.....

while my female fuckbuddy friend is going down on me. You have to paint the picture just a bit. I'm in my 50's and no Adonis anymore. She's in her
40's with a son in college. Both of us work too much and works out less than we should. Still, we have a spark in bed and enjoy having the outlet. Every now and then one of us will phone in a Booty Call. She called the other night and wham....half-an-hour later atfer showering together I'm propped up in bed enjoying one of her sure-to-thrill blowjobs while the Mavericks are busy handing their testicles to the Utah Jazz. Out of nowhere a spit-coated finger is pressing up my...shudder...never mind!

Now I'm no prude. I've been around the block and done some things I'll never confess. I always enjoy this woman's technique and was moving closer to flossing her teeth with some cum when THAT finger wiggled up my...shudder....never mind! I allowed it to continue because I knew she was trying to find that male G-spot that's supposed to make the moment more intense. I knew I was going to cum regardless and might have enjoyed having a finger up my...shudder...never mind!...if I knew it was about to go in. More important I knew that she was trying to make the moment especially intense and would never had done such a thing if she hadn't felt close enough to me to push her finger up my...shudder..never mind!

Came like a geyser and God bless her she's the type that doesn't miss a step. Later I ate her out like it was my last meal and during the Mavs post-game (Where'd Our Testicles Go?) wrap up humped her like a horny dog. I'm torn between knowing it might happen again and being on guard or trying to find a way to let her know it was a bit surprising without discouraging her from continuing the exploration or making her feel that I'm not appreciative.
...trying to find a way to let her know it was a bit surprising without discouraging her from continuing the exploration or making her feel that I'm not appreciative. Originally Posted by txcwby6

Maybe there's a Hallmark card for that.
  • hd
  • 02-03-2010, 02:48 PM
I get that once a year from my doctor, and he doesn't even kiss me. I need new friends!
xperiment's Avatar

Maybe there's a Hallmark card for that. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Hopefully an e-card.
smokeater's Avatar
Great post... Just tell "baby, next time... And I do hope there's a next time...".
  • Holly
  • 02-03-2010, 02:56 PM

Maybe there's a Hallmark card for that. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
OMG you are so funny!! I hope I meet you one day!!!!!!!!
is this a star fish thread, i like starfish!!!!

My starfish hall mark card:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Use you finger but not too far
Up above the sky so bright
You sure make my starfish tight
Do it again tomorrow night

send it to her she might milk the prostate again...
  • Holly
  • 02-03-2010, 03:01 PM
is this a star fish thread, i like starfish!!!! Originally Posted by GRIPITRIPIT
Seriously...yall are killing me
I'm torn between knowing it might happen again and being on guard or trying to find a way to let her know it was a bit surprising without discouraging her from continuing the exploration or making her feel that I'm not appreciative. Originally Posted by txcwby6
I had a similar experience & here is what I did: Work had gotten crazy and I had gone over a week without seeing my SB fuckbudy. So she gives me head and I exploded probably the largest load of my life into her mouth. She crawled up my body & started to kiss me open mouthed. That's when I learned that she had not done her usual swallow but was instead trying to spit my...shudder....never mind! Into MY mouth. I avoid it by doing my best Sugar Ray Leonard imitation--jab & move, jab & move. We screw for a couple more hours & really have a great time.

So while showering together & getting ready to go out to dinner I mention what she did and tell her she never needs to do that again. Ever. We laughed about it and sure enough, it has never happened again.
travelling_man's Avatar
Don't knock a good thing. The last thing you want to do is anything that would fuck something up like this. Just go with the flow and enjoy it for what it is. As long as she doesn't pull out a strap on I'd learn to enjoy a little bit of TUMA action - some guys pay extra for this and you're getting it for free !
xperiment's Avatar
I agree with Traveling_man. If you enjoyed it she knows that you did. Just as many women do they love the power and control of making you cum anyway they want. So I am sure she will embrace giving you "the finger" again. Especially if you ate her out raviously afterwards.
HG's Avatar
  • HG
  • 02-03-2010, 03:40 PM
I had the same thing happen to me last weekend at an AMP.
During the Shower she was paying a lot of attention to my Shudder.
I didn't think any thing about it until we got back to the room and she took out the latex glove's.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
I am sure that if you broach the subject with diplomacy, that she will have no problem with giving you a head's (or should that be finger?) up next time. It could have been worse, at least it was just one finger!
  • JROD
  • 02-03-2010, 04:34 PM
My FB suprised me like that recently...She normally massages around down there {well lubed} while she is polishing my knob anyway...So she knows that I am about to blow, and she goes in about 2 knuckles deep...Well lets just say that I think I shot her tonsils off!
berkleigh's Avatar
So where'd she put her finger?