Cut and Paste: Mass Emails

DFW5Traveler's Avatar

/vent on

I can understand from a marketing perspective that you want to get to a lot of clients at once, but, IMHO, to be a true GFE would require you to be able to relate to your clients on a personal level. And that should include a personalized email/text/phone call to entice a return visit. Sometimes it's those little things that would make me want to return. A mass email doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

/vent off

Lana Warren's Avatar
Anytime I see a gentleman, I make a point of always sending him an email telling him how much I enjoyed his company! Whether or not he chooses to see me again is his business, but I let him know how much I appreciated that he chose me!
You gave away your hobby email address without specifically stating it was not to be used for marketing purposes or shared with their "affiliates" and now you complain because you get "hooker spam"?

It was your hobby email, right?

On the flip side ladies, it would be nice if you honor any unsubscribe requests and put those addresses in a different list. You might even add a line at the bottom of any mass mailing to hit reply with "unsubscribe" as the subject letting you know the guys want off the mailing list.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
You gave away your hobby email address without specifically stating it was not to be used for marketing purposes or shared with their "affiliates" and now you complain because you get "hooker spam"?

It was your hobby email, right?

On the flip side ladies, it would be nice if you honor any unsubscribe requests and put those addresses in a different list. You might even add a line at the bottom of any mass mailing to hit reply with "unsubscribe" as the subject letting you know the guys want off the mailing list. Originally Posted by cpi3000
It is a hobby email, but the personalization of an email is really my main interest. I just don't like being treated like a wallet with a man attached to it.

Interesting how many guys use a real world email address when the sender does cc instead of bcc.

I don't mind getting the mass emails but I also don't respond.

A personalized invite is much more effective.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I guess I misunderstood this thread.......LOL! After reading it more closely, it makes sense!

I personally think it's rude for a lady to send a man an email just to drum up business and especially if she sends out mass tacky!
I agree with you, Lana. It (to me) gives an air of desperation.