New Book Club Nominee

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-15-2010, 01:46 PM
Well, "Whip Smart" left me oddly unsatisified, so I was wondering if anyone would be game for trying out a different book. The one I was contemplating was "Some Girls: My Life in a Harem".

The link:

The author's site:

I haven't seen the book, but I've read an interview that Violet Blue did with the author, and I think it could be a fun read.

Any takers?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm in! Great suggestion!

Surprisingly, she's going to be at a book signing at the end of May in Austin. Maybe THIS time I can actually manage to be in town when I planned to! Also, on her homepage, she featured a blog entry with herself and the author of "Whip Smart". Isn't that ironic?

You know, I was just thinking of this book club today...glad that you found a book that really sounds interesting! Harems really are something that women tend to fantasize about at times...that and obviously other things.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I just answered the door and there was the nice UPS man with my copy of the book! Now. Are you going to do this or not?

Either way, I want to read about modern day harems. I also bought, "Harem Girl, A Harem Girl's Journal" by M. Saalih. It was recommended by Amazon to buy both and so, well I did.

Should be interesting reading!
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
I bought it today!

I am definitely interested in dinner and a BookPeople date if you can make it to Austin to see us, dear Elisabeth. Also: would you be interested in leading a more structured discussion of our reading selections? I look forward to reading together again.
I'm in! Downloading to the Kindle tonight.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I'm looking forward to having more of a complete discussion of the book as well. I don't mind doing this ... but would anyone else like to lead the discussion? It probably wouldn't be too much work!!!

Thanks for suggesting me, Sophie! Let's see if we get some sort of show of hands!

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-21-2010, 06:30 AM
I couldn't get the Kindle version (apparently it isn't available in the US? say what?) but I did get my paper copy yesterday.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Finished the book last night. I have actually written someone and asked if he would like to lead this discussion. If he's too busy, I don't mind doing it, but it would be my preference to have someone else lead this discussion. Thanks, though, Sophie ... for suggesting me. I'll do it if someone doesn't step forth and offer.

The book was REALLY good. The writing was swarthy with emotion and drifted a little bit ... but was very REAL.

It's also the type of book that will be interesting to those of us who have seen a pretty wide base of life. For women, there will be portions of the book that will be somewhat seductive.

For men? It's interesting from the viewpoint of how a woman views herself as just an individual who is just an object to be taken at the whim of another. It's also a book concerning the difficulties of relationships, especially those that involved sex workers and people who live alternative lifestyles.

I need to run but if you haven't gotten the book, please do. It's worthy of discussion.

More later.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-24-2010, 06:35 PM
I'd be happy to lead the discussion... I just will need a few days to find the time to finish the book. I finally got a chance to start it this morning.
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  • ztonk
  • 05-25-2010, 07:14 AM
I haven't listened to Howard Stern in ages, but when I turned him on this morning, Jillian Lauren, the author of Some Girls, was being interviewed. If you happen to catch it on replay, her interview was about 8am Central. Unfortunately I have an appointment in a few minutes, so I won't get to hear the end.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Has anyone finished the book yet? It was actually pretty good and I wouldn't mind discussing it ... if just for a little bit. (I don't believe that this book club idea is working out. Please prove me wrong!)

Hopefully will be finished by Friday....Damn job gets in the way of fun!!!