CONTEXT: A poster stated that he was nervous about his upcoming first meeting with a provider. This reponse was directed towards him. Ladies,
did I get anything wrong here? I'm certainly no expert at this hobby and I'd like any tips you could add as well!
Your nervousness is going to make her nervous too. Since she's "newbie friendly", she will either just deal with it, or (if you're lucky) she'll actively try to walk you through and calm you down. If you can, just act like you've done it before, without seeming arrogant. I mean, don't lie, but just try to be cool. Smile, be nice.
Talk to her like you'd talk to a girl you're dating, but avoid certain topics. Don't ask her what she does for a living. You already know (provider). Any other job she might have is her own business. Don't ask where she lives. Don't ask about her family. If she's comfortable about talking on any of these topics, she'll bring them up first.
Instead talk to her about interests. Try to find mutual interests. Movies, music, books, business, politics, food, wine, vacation trips, pets, etc. Finding something in common will probably help you calm down, which will in turn make her feel more comfortable. If you like wine, consider bringing a bottle and sharing a glass with her. Ask what type she likes ahead of time. But be careful with the alcohol. Just enough to calm the nerves.
You don't have to talk about sex, unless she brings it up first. Things will naturally get there anyhow. She will move them along because the sessions is, afterall, on a clock. The entire session might feel like a compressed first through [whatever] dates with a new girl. Get to know each other, share common interests, horniness escalates, sex ensues. Instead of all of this spread out over X number of dates, it's all going to happen in your allotted session time. Because of this, I would recommend paying for 90 minutes with girls you've never seen before. That's what I do, but it's understandable if funds don't allow that.
As everyone else said and I'll repeat, these four things are absolutely the most important:
- Have the proper amount of money. Usually in a plain envelope, but not always. Check provider's web site for specifics. Leave the envelope on a counter in plain site within the first couple minutes of walking inside and do NOT mention it or talk about it at all.
- Be clean and have proper hygene. Brush, wash, etc., etc.
- Be on time. Most providers use the 2-call system. Find out the general area ahead of time, and get there early. Then contact her for the final leg of the directions.
- Don't be an asshole. There's a provider for everyone, unless you're an asshole. If you're shy, aggressive, old, young,'ll eventually find a provider that complements your style.
Hope this helps. Remember, if your first time isn't great, well that can happen. Give it a few tries with a few different ladies before you decide if it's the hobby for you.
Good luck, have fun, stay safe.