Just venting

From the moment I saw you,
I knew you were the one for me.

From the moment you kissed me,
I knew I loved you indefinitely.

When you touched my hand for the first time…

I wanted nothing more than to hold it forever.
That was really sweet. Doesn't sound like venting too me?
It's my way. The only outlet that I have.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
since you're living in your truck... listen to some country songs on the radio. get over it and get a new life dude. eccie is not the place to move on with your life.

It's my way. The only outlet that I have. Originally Posted by Truckertom
Well all righty then
cookie man's Avatar
since you're living in your truck... listen to some country songs on the radio. get over it and get a new life dude. eccie is not the place to move on with your life.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Juan's a cut- to- the- chase kinda guy, but i have to say "That's a big 10-4."
Silky brown hair and eyes of green
A smile so bright it makes my heart sing

In the darkness I can see the light
And it's you smiling so bright
Assuring me that ever thing will be all right

To hear the voice of the one I do miss
Puts my mind in a state of bliss

My heart beats out your name
My passion for you is hard to tame

In my dreams you are there
I see you everywhere*
By the way, thanks Tara.
Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
since you're living in your truck... listen to some country songs on the radio. get over it and get a new life dude. eccie is not the place to move on with your life.

Juan's a cut- to- the- chase kinda guy, but i have to say "That's a big 10-4."
I don't get it.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Trucker, just call her and apologize. I assume you are ranting about Casey. Just tell her you love her and apologize. She will appreciate it brother. On a side note, it seems like you are having a difficult time with her choice of career so you have only three options my brother.

1. You decide that you can deal with her being an escort.
2. You cannot deal with it and you do not see her.
3. You take her and tell her she does not have to do this anymore and you will support her until she finds something else.

That is about it Trucker. And no worries, you are not the first nor the last to fall for a woman you paid. It happens to everyone. There are women and they are sweet as you get to know them. Men have a mechanism in them to save or rescue. It is our nature. It is unfortunate that this mechanism really does not apply to this hobby. I just found out one of my ATF was married!!! I had no idea. Nevertheless Trucker; go home and say you are sorry. It goes a long way.
By the way, thanks Tara. Originally Posted by Truckertom
Your welcome
  • MRMR
  • 02-17-2011, 03:49 PM
If nothing else you should call Hallmark to see about becoming a card writer. You have a knack.
I have to agree with Nitwit. Go home and tell her ya love her and talk things out.
Remember that there has to be give and take on both sides to make it work, so you may need to accept her as she is.
Good Luck to both of you.
Thank you MRMR. It's not a matter of accepting her, I've done that, it's a matter of the pimp patrol making it imposable to make a living.
I lie on the ground,
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.

I see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that I like to see.

You say "close your eyes",
"tell me what you see",
I see only two people,
just you and me.

We're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.

We make love through the night,
on that white sandy shore,
then I hold you while thinking,
I could want nothing more.

Oh I wish I could be,
in that one special place,
as I lie on the ground,
and I stare into space.
Venting is always good:

Hey you mother fucking son of a bitch,
How dare you speak about it like you know?
Without strife or strain,
Each leg keeps moving,
Always deviating from the path.

So it's,
Left right,
Left right,
Left right,
Don't forget your head where you left it,
Now it's too late,
Too late,
It's so easy to complain,
Once you've found a sympathetic ear.

Is this the answer?
These scars are nothing but a lie,
Bleeding hearts will always run dry,
The worst great depression is my life.

So you feel like you're drowning in shit?
Well I've got some bad news for you,
Why don't we share some lines?
Slaughtered like swine,
California dreams of suicide,
You're all P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C,
That is all it is and how it stays,
I like to take the drugs,
'Cause love is mearly chemical,
Throw it all away and suck it down,
Fuck you

Is this the answer?
These scars are nothing but a lie,
Bleeding hearts will always run dry,
The worst great depression is my life.