What is a Sugar Daddy.......

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Ok I had a gentleman wanna be my SugarDaddy.....I was like ummm ?
What is you ideal of a SugarDaddy??
With all the heat going around in the Shreveport area lately I have been seriously thinking about getting a sugar baby.

My idea is that she is exclusive to me. I'd be glad to pay her a monthly sum and also put her up in an apartment if she needs one. I just don't know how much to give her each month. Right now it would be worth it for me to pay a monthly sum, plus pay any bills so long as she is exclusive to me and can pretty much be available for myself at anytime. But maybe that's unrealistic. I haven't done a lot of research in to this so it's fairly new to me.
44formore's Avatar
try seeking arrangements.com
destinydevine's Avatar
try seeking arrangements.com Originally Posted by 44formore
Or sugardaddyforme.com there is tons of sugar dating sites.
mrredcat43's Avatar
sketchpad's Avatar
From what I've read it has pros and cons for everyone.
It would most likely be a lot less money than what you can bring in with multiple clients. However it would be more stable income and you would be dealing with only one client. This equates to much less risk. You wouldn't have to worry about dealing with newbies, or LEO. In fact LEO will have little to no interest in you.

Essentially you are the guy's girlfriend, mistress, whatever you want to call it.

Most Sugar Babies are college girls or about that age. Very few if any have ever been full time or professional providers.

There is a thread on the main forum actually.
If you want to find it from the main page it is below general interest and above the International section.

This is something I've been considering. A long term semi-exclusive arrangement with one or two girls is a lot less complicated and much less risky than meeting multiple random women, anyone of which might be LEO. And for me there would be more benefits for less money. But I'm not currently yet in a situation where I can pull that particular trigger. Maybe in a few months I'll be able to and will at that time start looking for what's available.

Having said all that, I don't believe that most providers would be interested in such arrangements. The reason I don't believe this is because it is very likely going to be much less money than you are making as a provider. Perhaps I'm wrong but those are my thoughts.
I actually like the idea of a sugar daddy. I find comfort in the "less of a risk" factor. Yes, within the full spectrum it can be less money BUT it lessens the hassle of verification, finding a suitable meeting place, etc.
Please do not shoot the messenger. There are many threads throughout Eccie in the SD Forum. It is extremely difficult for a Provider to be in an Exclusive SD/SB Arrangement. Yes, I have read some of the post above. Many of you have acknowledged the change in the Providers income in exchange for lower risk and added security. There are ALWAYS exceptions but most SDs cannot come close to replacing the Monthly Income of a decent FullTime Provider. A Provider who becomes an Exclusive SB now has more idle time on her hands. She isn't going to want to sit at home all day watching TV. As she is no longer seeing clients, she now has more free-time and will eventually want to get out and do things. Doing things cost $. She has no income and will now need more $ than when she was simply providing.

Possible exceptions ...
1) Providers who are wanting out of the Hobby and are trying to make it with a legal job.
2) PT Providers who are providing for extra $.
3) I am sure there are others.

Please keep in mind that I am only really talking about those attempting an EXCLUSIVE Arrangement.

A Provider who has several or many SDs has been done and is done all of the time. They give preferential treatment to those they see as their SD. For example, they are about to see a client but get a call from one of their SDs that they are needed now. So they call their client letting them know they just got a call that their dad is being taken to the hospital. They have to cancel but will want to reschedule later and hope you will understand. They may have several SDs who get this preferential treatment. There have been many arguments regarding if this type of an arrangement is truly a SD/SB Arrangement or is it just preferential business arrangement between a Provider and better paying Johns. This is an argument for another thread but has also been discussed over and over again in the SB Forum.

I just thought I would give my 2 cents worth regarding EXCLUSIVENESS!
mrredcat43's Avatar
Had a fellow hobbyist point me in the direction of one yesterday. I've never done the SB thing, but the girl was cute, but days away from eviction. After that and some more details a conclusion was made: The SA thing is NOT a young man's game!!!!!
Super Head 713's Avatar
With all the heat going around in the Shreveport area lately I have been seriously thinking about getting a sugar baby.

My idea is that she is exclusive to me. I'd be glad to pay her a monthly sum and also put her up in an apartment if she needs one. I just don't know how much to give her each month. Right now it would be worth it for me to pay a monthly sum, plus pay any bills so long as she is exclusive to me and can pretty much be available for myself at anytime. But maybe that's unrealistic. I haven't done a lot of research in to this so it's fairly new to me. Originally Posted by PhilCollins
This actually sounds quite interesting! I would consider a move to Shreveport for a sugar daddy with the same intentions as you
A sugar daddy is someone who can't usually afford to hobby regularly or someone who makes endless empty promises and never follows thru with shit except fucking your brains out hours a day whilst providing nothing but the minimal. Usually expects you to be faithful to him solely. Preys on the weak broken hookers or the barely legal ones who haven't realized they're sitting on a gold mine yet.
Keisha Reed's Avatar
Heaven on Earth
44formore's Avatar
I truly enjoy the SBs I have and have had in the past. The dynamic in completely different than the hobby. The arrangements I have now are more like real dating or friends with benefits. These ladies live in cities I travel to on business and I arrange to see them weeks in advance. Some I've actually taken with me on trips. I see them once or twice a month and their allowances are significantly higher than "by the hour" hobby donations and for them, it's steady income they can rely on. Our dates aren't at cheap hotels and usually include dinner, drinks and private time.

I enjoy being able to take them out in public and not run the risk of someone recognizing them from some ad. Some are college students (as in really going to school), some are single moms and some are successful business women. I've never expected exclusivity from them. I actually bought a honey moon cruise for one of my SBs who married her real life BF as a parting gift. Two complimentary worlds in my opinion.

These types of arrangements can be quite nice as comfort and mutual understanding/friendship builds over time. The longest arrangement I've had started in 2013 and I still see her when I'm in Florida on my monthly trips. The hobby fulfills my excitement for the new. My SB relationships fulfill my closeness and intimacy....
HoustonRiley's Avatar
A sugar daddy is someone who can't usually afford to hobby regularly or someone who makes endless empty promises and never follows thru with shit except fucking your brains out hours a day whilst providing nothing but the minimal. Usually expects you to be faithful to him solely. Preys on the weak broken hookers or the barely legal ones who haven't realized they're sitting on a gold mine yet. Originally Posted by jayded_angel

This is a horrible experience.
I'm sorry this is the way some bunk SD's have done you.
that sucks. they weren't real SD's.
The sugar part means money.
Most sugar daddies spend a lot more money then a hobbyists.
Usually require more intimate type things maybe dinners outings vacations.
A Sugar daddy is someone whom likes and doesn't mind helping you out.
Someone Whom also understands how hard things can be for a woman and find pride
and other blissful feelings in be able to provide for another and spend time with their SB.
I've had some wonderful sugar daddies in the past.
I need to find me one. lol
Theres always going to be the guys who lie about it.
You have to be able to know whos serious and whos playing.
A real sugar daddy will want to show you hes serious by doing something for you maybe giving you a tip or part of your allowance up front.
There are probably as many types of sugar daddy arrangements as there are sugar daddies. The primary difference to me, as opposed to the "normal" arrangements, is the development of a long term relationship and some degree of exclusivity (if not totally exclusive, at least having only a few partners). The sugar daddy commits to help his sugar baby or babies with regular financial assistance, and the sugar baby commits to help her sugar daddy or daddies with regular sexual availability. It's more a girlfriend or mistress arrangement, possibly exclusive, possibly with tacit acknowledgement that each will have a few other arrangements.